This corvette sized vessel is the standard Asari light warship used both for scouting and light combat duty. Tough skin and a variety of ultra-tech defenses protect this small, stealthy superscience combat and survey vessel. It can also venture into almost any situation and have a reasonable chance of coming back with useful information. It uses a streamlined 1,000-ton hull (SM +8) 150 feet long. Front Hull System * [1] Exotic Laminate Armor (dDR 30). * [2!] Major Battery (fixed mount 300 MJ X ray laser). * [3-4] hangar bay (30 tons each) * [5] Habitat (three cabins and 3 bunkrooms). * [6] Medium Battery (three fixed mounts with 28cm missile launchers). * [core] Control Room (C10 computer, comm/sensor 9, and four control stations). Central Hull System * [1] Exotic Laminate Armor (dDR 30). * [2!] Heavy Force Screen (dDR 100, or dDR 200 with two Power Points). * [3!] Super Reactionless Engines (10G acceleration). * [4] Habitat (4 bunkrooms and two-bed automed sickbay). * [5!] Cloaking Device. * [6] Multipurpose Array (comm/sensor 11). Rear Hull System * [1] Exotic Laminate Armor (dDR 30). * [2-4!] Stardrive Engines (FTL-1 each). * [5] Engine Room (one workspace). * [6,core] Fusion Reactor (two Power Points each). It typically carriers 6 fighters Personnel include four control crew, six pilots, one technician and a small commando team of 12-20 troops |11| [[Star Hunter-class]]| 70 |+1/5| 13| 10G| 1,000| 60| +8| 34ASV| 30 +100/200| 3x |$444.5M|