Komarov Class

This is the standard imperial utility shuttle, but is being phased out. It is not suitable for assault operations(Ahab-class cutters are used for them instead)

The Komarov uses a streamlined 30-ton (SM +5) hull 15 meters long.

The basic crew is one: pilot. The crew chief also often rides along in the passenger seating and manages the loading/unloading.

There are no official variants, but this is by far the most adapted craft with several hundred different field modified variants in use. The variants range from ambulance and workshop to things like fire fighting or mobile laboratory.

Front Hull System

Central Hull System

Rear Hull System

TL Spacecraft kHP Hnd/SR HT Mv LWt. Load SM Occ dDR pc/day CostProd/Inv
10Komarov-class20(15)0/4 13 8G30 6 +5 1+6SV 5/3/3 0 $890K0/98mil