Uniform: Black and blue base.
Mission: Do scientific research and environmental protection, maintain the parks and nature reserves.
Total personnel: about 1.2 million.
Use the Other/specialist training with normally one of the science packages as base.
The science and environment if divided about halfway in personnel between the science directorate and the environment directorate.
The science directorate consists mostly of scientist and supporting staff, they are tasked with scientific research, both directly and in cooperation with universities.
The environment directorate is about one third the environmental protections teams, tasked with enforcing environmental protection laws and regulations and two thirds park service that handles the imperial public parks and nature reserves.
The science directorate has a really diverse collection of research and experimental ships.
The park service has few hundred Anson-class scouts for protection duty.
In the science directorate, most people use their academic rank and not the military rank, A scientist calling another scientist by their military rank is making an insult. They have a slight overabundance of low ranking officers due to the high number of “Science lieutenants” and similar.
The environment protection teams are fairly small teams so have a fairly informal and flat structure. Park rangers are more traditional rank structure and operate mostly as a police force.
There is no standard equipment for the service, all parts and locations have widely varying lists of equipment.
There is fairly little interaction with any other service except in specialized cases like a research team researching something for navy ships is likely in contact with navy ship planning bureau and similar.