
This is a space platform that commands the skies over a planet. The battle station is approximately 22 meters in diameter with a 1,000-ton (SM +8) unstreamlined hull. Aside from station-keeping thrusters (included with the controls) it has no maneuver drive at all, although this is mitigated by its tough armor and extensive electronic warfare capabilities.

This battle station provides the main close in defense for inhabited planets, being moved to lesser systems as citadels take over main systems.

Front Hull System

Central Hull System

Rear Hull System

The battle station has a stealth hull

TL Spacecraft dHP Hnd/SR HT Mv LWt. Load SM Occ dDR spd CostProd/InvNotes
10 Warden-class70(50) 12 0 1,000 0 +8 6 ASV 126 0 $124.8M0/700k