Table of Contents

Character special background

This is the main thing that sets you apart from common rangers.

You can take up to 10 less points in stats and advantages here and leave those points to Basic skills/background if you wish.

If you have an enhanced(350 point) basic training then just select Training/Experience packages

For others select either: (all are 300 points total)

Important background




Training/Experience packages. For random background roll until not enough points for the rolled package.

  1. list
    1. Bounty Hunter(63/73)
    2. Con Man(40/53)
    3. Detective (66)
    4. Doctor(65)
    5. Explorer(50/70)
    6. Merchant(65/70/80)
  2. list
    1. Scientist(50/60)
    2. Secret Agent(51)
    3. Security Officer(68)
    4. Soldier(40/54/60/65/70)
    5. Space Worker(50)
    6. Technician (45)
  3. list
    1. Thief(45)
    2. Academician(45)
    3. Athlete (35)
    4. Attorney(54)
    5. Belter(45)
    6. Bureaucrat(45)
  4. list
    1. Capitalist(65)
    2. Colonist(40)
    3. Dilettante(100)
    4. Diplomat(60)
    5. Entertainer(40)
    6. Journalist(60)
  5. list
    1. Policeman(65)
    2. Politician(55)
    3. Rogue(60)
    4. Scientist(50)
    5. Spy(55)
    6. Starship Bridge Officer(50)/Fighter Jock(70)
  6. list
    1. Starship Commander(70)
    2. Starship Deckhand(50)
    3. Starship Engineer(50)
    4. reroll the list
    5. reroll the list
    6. reroll the list