
This is a spherical, manned SDP acting as a major planetary defense installation. It is well protected by armor and force screens, heavily armed, and equipped with an operations center for battle management of other defensive assets (other SDPs, ships, etc.). Its 10,000-ton (SM +10) unstreamlined hull is 45 meters in diameter.

This battle station now provides the main close in defense for all major systems, having almost totally replaced warden in the role

Front Hull System

Central Hull System

Rear Hull System

* One workspace per system.

The fort has artificial gravity.

The usual crew is 10 bridge operators (commander, executive officer, communications officer, tactical officer, engineering officer, two sensor operators, and three gunners), a medic, a 10-person operations staff, and 11 technicians. Usually multiple crew shifts are provided for. It may have a station security team, and will need crews for any small craft carried

TL Spacecraft kHP Hnd /SR HT Mv LWt. Load SM Occ dDR spd CostProd/Inv
11Citadel-class150(100) 13 0 10,000 345.8 +10 58ASV 420 +1800/3600 0 $2.142B580/2916