Table of Contents


Basic notes

Armor is of limited use, as most weapons can punch through most armors, but it is good to have it as it limits the amount of damage you take.

Use of cover is essential. If you cannot get cover, concealment will also help as it is hard to hit targets that are not visible.

Having a shield on armor is very useful.

There is no “step”, all movement is done with normal move.

Extra effort in combat: You can only use one extra effort/turn. If you use a extra effort on defense outside your turn you cannot use it on your next turn.

Combat postures

Combat modifiers

Ranged attack

Attacker’s Maneuver

Attacker’s Situation

Opportunity Fire

Other Actions by Attacker


Hit locations


There are fewer hit locations:

In any hit location you can try for “vital hit” by taking -4 extra, Also any critical hit is considered a vital hit. This causes x1 more damage and special effects as follows:

Random hit locations

Targeting Systems



Combat uses Abstract range:

Action points

Your action points are equal to your speed. Different advantages and skills give extra action points that are only usable for certain things as below.

Note that being reeling halves your speed and thus action points(round up). If you are damaged to reeling in middle of your turn the effect starts at beginning of your next turn(however see “stagger” below).

Try harder: Can try extra effort and on success get +2 action points immediately. This can normally only be done in beginning of your turn, except:


Skills: A skill of 20+ in any of these give +1 action point for the given thing, each full 10 over that gives one extra.

Typical combat options



Note that if you are tired, all the move actions cost double action points.

If you do any move action on your turn you get worse of -2 or -weapon bulk to hit with attacks. (half that for thrusting melee)





Taking any damage causes stagger: Roll HT roll with a penalty equal to damage taken:

There are no separate major wounds or shock.


Taking proper cover in combat is not always easy.

Roll soldier for success. Cost 1 action point with +1 to roll for each extra Action point spent.


If you did not do a take cover maneuver, but might be protected, roll as above but at -5.

For concealment only roll as above, except that any failure allows the enemy to hit you at -2 as they can guess where the rest is.

Hits and misses

When rolling to hit: Can only roll if modified skill is 3 or higher.

rollNormal attack
3-4Critical hit
6-14Hit or miss depending on result
17Critical miss


Critical miss: roll 1d

  1. Hit something you should not have
    1. Yourself
    2. Friendly target
    3. A neutral target
    4. Something breakable
    5. Something explosive
    6. Something very explosive
  2. Safety was on: need to do ready action to fire.
  3. eject magazine or similar, need to reload to fire.
  4. Weapon slides or jumps in your hand: need to take a grip again : 1 action point/bulk penalty.
  5. Drop weapon


  1. Overheat: Add a level of unreliable until cooled (normally several minutes)
  2. Minor: Need immediate action to cycle weapon.
  3. Minor: Need immediate action to cycle weapon.
  4. Some accessory lose/broken Need minor repair
  5. Broken: Need minor repair and and 1d% of weapon cost in parts.
  6. Totally broken: need major repair and 3d% of weapon cost in parts.