
These stations are large habitation stations mostly in major systems. It could house close to a quarter of a million people, but more likely has about 150 thousand to 200 thousand people.

It has plenty of hangar bay and cargo space capable of docking very large vessels, but is mainly a habitation station. Built with an SM +15 unstreamlined hull, it masses 3,000,000 tons and is 600 meters diameter. The station is a comfortable place to live with large green areas and spacious accommodation. Its farms provide total life support. The station is equipped with defensive weaponry, and may have a few warships docked in its hangars.

Front Hull System

Central Hull System

Rear Hull System

* 300 workspaces per system.

TL Spacecraft dHPHnd/SR HT Mv LWt. Load SM Occ dDRSpd CostProd/InvNotes
10 Margrave-class 1000(700)14 3,000,000 350,000 +15 240,000ASV 150 0 $379.739B33/2303