Table of Contents



Uniform: Black base. (armors have grey elements too)

Total personnel: about 12 million.

Mission: Supplement law enforcement in the civilized systems, investigate crimes against the empire and crimes within the imperial service.

Note: While there are many “privates”, they have way more than normal NCOs as the standard “Marshal” is a NCO. The amount of privates relative to the size of the service is about 1/3 that of the army or navy.


Use the base character training package. But instead of the ranger training get: detective_66 package without advantages and Law enforcement powers(Primary and secondary systems -10%)[9], Rank(courtesy) 1[1]=51 points.

Typical marshal is an investigator.


Most marshals are deployed in small teams and spend their time in civilized systems helping local law enforcement and tracking down criminals that act across systems.

They have law enforcement powers in all of the civilized systems.

There are Marshal stations in all major and secondary systems that will work as bases and coordination points.


Almost no privates, due to the demanding nature and small groups of marshals sent out. Some office workers and maintenance personnel might be privates, but the typical “Marshal” is a NCO. Typical ranks are “Marshal” and “Master Marshal”. Real ranks are used very seldom.


The Marshals use varying equipment in their normal tasks. In many cases they are in civilian clothing with concealable armor under it.

They all have tacsuits(reflex or nanoweave) and concealable armor(reflec or nanoweave) and 10mm pistol/smg type weapons assigned mostly.

The service does not operate any ships, it will call on navy or someone else if they need them for some operation.





Postal service



Science and Environment


Education and public information

Weapon control


Palace guard

Special Tactics and Reconnaissance

Local forces: