Table of Contents


Most normal TL 10 or less medical equipment is available.

Most children are born in growth tanks though about 1/4 are born the natural way.

Medical gear

Automed (TL9)

This is a coffin-sized trauma pod. A single patient enters it, and the lid is shut. The pod can treat the patient on its own, or be controlled remotely.

The automed is equipped with robot arms, surgical tools, and diagnostic sensors. Its dedicated(but stupid) computer can treat its patient with Diagnosis-14, Electronics Operation (Medical)-14, First Aid-15, Physician-13, and Surgery-15. It has no imagination, so new diseases or strange problems may stump it – in which case it does its best to sustain the patient and call for help.

An automed may also be used to diagnose or treat patients by manual or remote control. Used this way, it can function as a crash kit ( +2 (quality) bonus to First Aid skill), as diagnostic probes (. If they’ve had at least two hours to circulate, their data gives a +3 (quality) bonus to Diagnosis skill), and as a portable surgery (gives a +1 (quality) bonus to Surgery skill); however, do not add their equipment modifiers when the automed uses its own skills. It’s common for automeds to be teleoperated by living doctors.

An automed can sustain patients on life support, as a transport ESU ( +1 (quality) bonus to Physician skill or HT rolls for trauma maintenance.). It has 100 uses of bandage spray and an internal pharmacy with room for 200 doses of drugs. The drugs are chosen and stocked by the automed’s owners, and can be dispensed as needed. There is also a medium-range radio (p. 44) connected to the medical sensors, an internal camera, and a speaker. $100,000, 250 lbs., E/200 hr. LC4.

Bandage Spray (TL9)

This spray-on antiseptic bandage seals and disinfects minor wounds while acting as an analgesic. It comes in flesh-tone, colored, and transparent versions. First Aid using bandage spray receives a +2 (quality) bonus to skill. One-Use Bandage Spray(TL9): One use. $3($15 for tl 11), 0.1 lbs. LC4. Bandage Spray Can(TL9): Six applications. $15($75 for tl 11), 0.5 lbs. LC4.

At TL9, the spray can stop bleeding and restore 1 HP in 10 seconds. It works more rapidly at higher TLs as anticoagulants, wound-cleaning, and cell-repair nano are incorporated, taking five seconds at TL10, three seconds at TL11.

Biomonitor (TL9)

A non-invasive monitor that records basic vital signs: pulse, heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. It has a small display, and stores its data internally on a standard disk so that a doctor can review the patient’s medical history.

for such conditions. $200 (plus drug dosage), 0.15 lb., A/100 hr. LC4.

Diagnostic Bed (TL9)

An examination table equipped with a full range of biological and medical scanners, including a CAT scan, a PET scan, T-rays, ultrasound, and X-rays. The patient lies on the table and scan results are projected onto an overhead screen.

Diagnostic Probes (TL9)

A solution of tiny medical biosensors which can be injected into a patient as part of a diagnostic procedure.

Injecting them requires only a hypo, but retrieval requires an automed, diagnostic bed, chrysalis machine, or ESU. If they’ve had at least two hours to circulate, their data gives a +3 (quality) bonus to Diagnosis skill. If the data is combined with readings from an imaging scan performed by a diagnostic bed (above) or HyMRI (p. 198), the total quality bonus to skill is +TL/2.

At TL10+ a diagnostic bed can communicate with the probes without removal being required. If not removed, they’ll work for a month and then degrade harmlessly. $200 per dose. LC4.

Disposable Hypo (TL9)

A tiny one-use syringe, no longer than a fingernail. It is preloaded with a dose of a drug, poison, or metabolic nanoagent in injectable form. If the drug costs $5 or more, the hypo is included at no additional cost. Otherwise, $0.50 plus the cost of the drug, 0.01 lb. LC4.

Disposable Test Kit (TL9)

This tests for a specific disease, toxin, drug, or condition (e.g., pregnancy or malnutrition). No skill is required; the kit produces a color change to indicate a positive result. Available in versions that test urine or blood. $5, 0.1 lb. LC4.

Emergency Support Unit (TL9)

This is a life support system for patients who can no longer sustain their own bodily functions. See Mortal Wounds (p. B423) for the effect of trauma maintenance: the patient rolls to survive each day rather than each half-hour, and may use the higher of his Physician’s skill or his HT Attaching a mortally-injured patient to an ESU requires an Electronics Operation (Medical) roll; each attempt takes 10 seconds. The system also includes diagnostic biosensors. An ESU can function as a Mitigator (-60%, see p. B112) for any Terminal Illness disadvantage caused by organ failure or similar problems.

An ESU can maintain the biological functions of someone who is dead (unless they’re at -5 ¥ HP or worse), preserving the body intact for later use. It can also perform whole-blood transfusions. A “blood-wash” to remove toxins or nanomachines takes two hours.

First Aid Kits (TL9)

These kits contain basic medical instruments appropriate to the TL.

Hibernation Chamber (TL9)

This chamber slows down a living subject’s metabolic activity through chemical means. It reduces oxygen consumption, body temperature, food and water consumption. It is the lowest-TL means of achieving “suspended animation.”

It takes an hour to reduce the subject to a hibernation state, after which he is unconscious and his life support requirements drop by a factor of 10. He also “ages” at roughly one-tenth the usual rate. The subject may be kept unconscious indefinitely if the chamber is equipped to provide for life support. Once the chamber is opened, the subject will be at 0 FP (or his current total, if less). He can recover FP normally, although stimulants may also be used. Hibernation is used to give critically ill patients awaiting organ transplants more time, to keep patients suffering severe blood loss alive long enough for surgery, and to reduce life support requirements during long voyages.

requirement. $20,000, 200 lbs., external power. LC3.

Hibernation chambers are specific to classes of species (e.g., mammals) and may not work on some races.

HyMRI Scanner (TL9)

A conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner uses powerful electromagnets to stimulate the protons in the patient’s body into emitting radio energy, which is used to produce a non-invasive image. HyMRI augments this with an inhaled laser-polarized inert gas such as an isotope of xenon or helium. This increases the resolution, especially in the lungs and nearby heart and brain.

Use Diagnosis skill to operate the scanner. It is basic equipment for the noninvasive diagnosis of brain and spinal disorders, as well as for mind emulation (p. 220), and provides a +TL/2 (quality) bonus for diagnosing heartlung problems.

An MRI is not safely usable on anyone with magnetic or ferrous material in their body, e.g., cybernetics or fragments. If in doubt, a diagnostic scan should precede its use.

At TL11+, diagnostic beds incorporate the equivalent of a HyMRI at no extra cost.

Plasti-Skin (TL9)

This antiseptic and hemostatic patch can serve as a pressure bandage or a tourniquet. When the flesh beneath it heals, the patch falls off. It reduces the time required for bandaging (p. B424) from 60 seconds to 20 seconds, and the hemostatic proteins incorporated into it stop bleeding immediately after successful application.

Plasti-skin is normally a different color than flesh (so the bandage can be easily identified). However, versions that assume the color of the underlying skin are available to cover tattoos and scars – these are useful as disguises. A field dressing pack with four applications is $2, 1/8 lb. LC4.

Pneumohypo (TL9)

This hypo injects drugs with a charge of compressed air. It must be touching the patient to inject its drug. If used as a weapon, it can penetrate DR 1, or normal clothing, has Reach C, cannot parry, and uses Knife skill (or DX-4). Its vial holds one dose of a drug.

These devices are about the size of a penlight, and are included in all medical kits at no extra cost. Air cartridges providing 100 charges of compressed air are $10. It takes three seconds to remove an empty drug vial or air cartridge and replace a new one. $20, 0.1 lb. LC4.

Physician’s Equipment (TL9-11)

Anyone under the care of a competent physician (Physician skill 12+) who has a stock of drugs and medical supplies gets +1 on all rolls for natural recovery. The healer may also make a Physician roll to cure the patient. Only one physician may roll per patient, but a single physician can care for many patients.

The exact number of patients a physician can attend to and the frequency with which he may roll to cure them depend on the TL of his Physician skill; see the Medical Help Table, below. On a success, the patient recovers 1 HP; on a critical success, he recovers 2 HP. This is in addition to natural healing. However, a critical failure costs the patient 1 HP!

Medical Supplies(TL9): Drugs and other disposable supplies sufficient for 50 patient-days of Physician treatment (TL9-10), 100 patient-days (TL11). Gives a +1 (quality) bonus. Without this gear, the doctor operates as if at the TL6 level. $500, 5 lbs. LC4.

Medical Bed(TL9): A robotic nursing bed with built-in instruments, waste-relief systems, and an automated programmable drug dispensary for treating one patient. Adds +3 (quality) to Physician skill; allows two Medical Care rolls daily at TL9, three at TL10, four at TL11. $10,000, 100 lbs., D/100 hr. LC4.

Suit Doc (TL10): An array of intelligent diagnostic sensors and general-purpose medical drug injectors that can be built into any sealed suit. It can perform ongoing Medical Care (p. B424-425) on the wearer as if he were under the care of a doctor operating at its TL who has Physician-10. A suit doc’s drug pack is good for five days (TL10), 10 days (TL11). Extra suit doc drug packs are $50 and 0.5 lbs. $5,000, 5 lbs., C/100 hr. LC3.

Medical Help Table

Medical TL Frequency of Rolls Patients per Doctor
9 2 daily 50
10 3 daily 50
11 4 daily 100

Diagnostic Smart Bandage (TL9)

This is a sensor-equipped hemostatic plasti-skin bandage containing smart drug patches. A diagnostic smart bandage is manually applied; this takes 20 seconds, but otherwise use normal Bandaging rules (p. B424). It adds +2 (quality) bonus to skill when performing Bandaging, and its hemostatic proteins always stop bleeding.

After its application, the bandage will begin treating the patient for shock (p. B424), delivering a cocktail of drugs that help keep him calm, warm, and comfortable. After 10 minutes of this treatment, the bandage gets a First Aid-12 roll to determine its success. This is not quite as effective as a human medic: success restores only 1d HP rather than 1d+1, and there is no special result on a critical success. As usual, a critical failure results in a 2 HP loss. Diagnostic Smart Bandage (TL9): Described above; four applications are $20, 0.4 lbs. LC4.

Diagnostic Smart Bandage Spray (TL10): Takes only three seconds to apply; uses a smart aerosol. One application is $5, 0.1 lb. LC4.

Surgical Equipment (TL9)

A complete set of surgical equipment provides a +(TL-6) bonus to Surgery skill rolls inadditionto the equipment quality modifiers described below. SeeSurgery (p. B223 and p. B424).

Pocket Medic (TL9)

This is a static robot the size of a paperback book. If clamped onto a wounded area, it will treat injuries. It has a hypo, anesthetic spray gun, and small surgical arms. It dispenses bandage spray , then treats for shock with First Aid-12 (+1 per TL after TL9). After it is finished, it signals for removal. If its sensors indicate that first aid has failed, or that the patient is not responding to treatment, it calls for a physician. It has a built-in short-range radio (p. 44). $1,200, 2 lbs., B/10 hr. LC4.

Medscanner (TL10)

This multi-purpose medical scanner can detect internal injuries, genetic problems, diseases, implants, and more. No space opera medic should be without one! Medscanner (TL10): A pocket-sized device with a one yard range. It gives a +3 (quality) bonus to Diagnosis skill. $1,000, 0.25 lbs., B/10 hr. LC4. Diagnostic beds built at TL11 can be assumed to use medscanners; the main advantage is that no instruments need be physically attached to the patient and they may also perform as a HyMRI . Otherwise, see Diagnostic Bed.

Nanostasis (TL10)

This is a means of safely shutting down a person’s metabolism, putting him into a state of permanent suspended animation, in which no special preservation tank is needed. It uses nanomachines to install protective scaffolding and fixatives around and within every cell in the patient’s body. Once placed in stasis, an organism does not require any oxygen or food, and cannot age or deteriorate, although it remains vulnerable to physical damage.

Reversal of nanostasis requires similar bio-nanotech to remove the preservatives and restart bodily functions.

A living being placed into nanostasis is not dead.

However, it is inanimate and unconscious, with IQ 0 and the Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Unliving), and Unaging advantages.

Nanostasis can also replace the need for anesthesia during TL10+ surgery.

Nanostasis is safe, but the subject will be disoriented for hours (sometimes days) afterward. Upon revival, the process supervisor makes a Physician roll. Critical failure means the patient has the Confused (9) disadvantage for 20-HT hours, and Amnesia (Partial) for at least a week; roll vs. HT weekly to recover. Failure produces the same effects, but roll vs. HT daily to regain memory. On a success, Confused lasts only (20-HT)/2 hours and there is no memory loss. Critical success means immediate recovery.

Nanostasis Tank (TL10): A growth tank (p. 204) modified to place someone into nanostasis, or to revive him. It takes five hours for the process to slow and then completely stop the patient’s metabolism. Afterward, he can be safely removed. Reviving a patient takes eight hours. The tank uses up one package of nanomachines ($5,000, 0.1 lbs.) per patient. $300,000, 250 lbs., E/200 hours. LC3.

Nanostasis Pod (TL10): An armored and radiationshielded (DR 50, PF 100) pod that contains a nanostasis tank and automatic suspension and revival equipment (Physician-14 for this purpose only). It powers down when not in use; it is designed to keep someone preserved for centuries. It can revive its occupant at a pre-set date. $500,000, 500 lbs., E/200 hours (when not powered down). LC3.

Neural Inhibitor (TL10)

A two-inch-wide disk with adhesive bonding material on one side. When applied to the bare skin of a living being with an approximately terrestrial vertebrate nervous system, it cuts off nerve impulses. Its effects depend on where it is placed. If a neural inhibitor were attached to a person’s forearm, his hand would be paralyzed, but he’d feel no pain from a hand or forearm injury, and surgery could be performed without anesthesia. If it were placed near the neck over the spinal cord, he would be paralyzed from the neck down. Use on the skull induces unconsciousness until removed. If the subject is not cooperating, treat these effects as a HT-6 affliction attack; the victim may roll to resist each second in contact.

A neural inhibitor gives a +1 (quality) bonus to First Aid to treat shock (p. B424). $200, 0.1 lb., A/10 hr. LC 3.

Paramedical Swarm (TL10)

This swarm of microbots is designed for autonomous patient care. It is made up of teams of specialized microbots. Some taste blood and perform diagnosis, some cut away damaged tissue, clean wounds, sew up cuts, and inject drugs, and some enter the body to perform internal repairs or diagnosis.

The swarm may perform First Aid, cleaning and repairing damaged tissue and injecting no-shock drugs. Each square yard of swarm can treat one person at a time. A paramedical swarm has Diagnosis-10 and First Aid-10; add +1 skill per TL after introduction. It provides its own basic equipment for both skills, but it cannot benefit from other types of medical equipment. Paramedical swarms can’t treat somebody in a sealed suit, but a swarm can be housed in microbot arteries (p. 189). $6,000/square yard; see Swarmbots (pp. 35-37) for additional microbot swarm rules and options. LC3.

Regeneration Tank (TL10)

A regeneration tank is a biofab (p. 204) optimized for rapid whole-body cell repair. The tank contains mechanisms for controlling nanomachines as they permeate the user’s body, instructing and assisting every viable cell in what repairs to make. Nonviable cells are programmed to self-destruct, or are removed and replaced with clones of healthy cells.

A Physician roll is required to supervise the procedure. Success means it works normally; failure takes twice as long as usual. It can heal everything up to permanent crippling injuries, at 1 HP per 12 hours, or radiation at 10 rads per day. Missing limbs and organs regrow in six weeks. $500,000, 600 lbs., 2E/200 hr. LC3. A regeneration tank requires nanomachines and feedstock: a week’s supply is $1,000, 1 lb.

Rejuvenation Tank (TL10)

Rejuvenation tanks are common, and while it is not cheap (costing normally about $50 000) or fully risk free(about 5% have serious complications and about 1.5% are totally destroyed by the process) and a full rejuvenation setting back the biological clock is quite common. The risks and costs however make people not want to do it too often.

This specialized regeneration tank reverses the aging process. Its nanomachines reset cellular clocks, killing senescent or dying cells and replacing them with healthy ones.

Rejuvenation requires three months of treatment (TL10), six weeks of treatment (TL11) after which the subject’s body is restored to young adulthood and full health. All age-related disadvantages and attribute losses are removed, as are any crippling injuries.

Rejuvenation is a risky procedure. The process supervisor must make a Physician roll. On a critical success, the patient is rejuvenated and fully recovered. Success means that the patient is rejuvenated but suffers Confused (9) (p. B129) for 1d days as he adjusts to his rejuvenated body. Failure means a problem examples below. A critical failure results in either a messy death (such as being turned into a mass of cancer cells) or revival with no mind at all. $300,000, 600 lbs., 2E/200 hr. LC2.

A rejuvenation tank requires nanomachines and feedstock: a week’s supply is $1,000, 1 lb.

Some examples on failures:

  1. the structures of his memory were permanently disrupted: Partial Amnesia (p. B123)
  2. muscles were disrupted and has coordination problems:Klutz
  3. less common ones:
    1. voice box disrupted: Disturbing voice
    2. eyes or oprical nerves damaged: color blindless
    3. your sight processing in braid in disrupted: dyslexia
    4. memory pathways crossed: Flashbacks(severe)
    5. Motor skills damaged: Ham fisted(-6)
    6. Hearing loss: Hard of hearing
  4. less common ones:
    1. Spinal deformity: Hunchback
    2. neural pathways are disrupted and have hard time making sense of things: Confused(12-)
    3. Hard to get sleep: Insomniac(mild)
    4. Your brain’s pleasure center is burned out or absent: Killjoy
    5. One of your legs is nonfunctional: Lame(Crippled Legs)
    6. You are very sensitive to pain of all kinds:Low Pain Threshold
  5. less common ones:
    1. Inner ear disrupted, you are miserable whenever you are in a moving vehicle; Motion sickness
    2. suffer from regular pain: Chronic pain severe
    3. You have poor night vision:night blindness
    4. You are incapable of processing abstract images and symbols:Non iconogrpahic
    5. Eventual critical failure: Self-destruct
    6. immune system problems: Susceptible common -5
  6. less common ones:
    1. natural healing is disrupted: slow healing 2
    2. Shorter effect: Short lifespan.
    3. immune system problems: Susceptible very common -3
    4. You have worse cardiovascular health: unfit
    5. Very limited in what you can eat: Resticted diet(very common)
    6. chronically ill and needs a doctor’s attention: Maintenance

Suitcase Doc (TL10)

This device must be placed atop a patient’s torso or other injured part (this takes a Ready maneuver). After that, it is autonomous. It unfolds, extruding surgical manipulators, anesthesia and life support tubes, and diagnostic sensors as necessary. It uses its manipulators to cut away clothing and treats the patient using Diagnosis-10, First Aid-12, Physician-10, and Surgery-10 (+2 per TL after TL10). It incorporates diagnostic probes, suitcase ESU , and a crash kit .

If the doc encounters a problem it can’t handle, it calls for help on its short-range radio. It also carries 10 uses of bandage spray and an internal pharmacy with up to 20 doses of drugs. $10,000, 20 lbs., 2C/10 hr. LC3


Common emergency drugs

Anti-Toxin Kit (TL9)

This is an antidote for one specific non-nanotech toxin; 10 uses. $25, 0.5 lb. LC4.

Analgine (TL9)

This drug masks pain for a period equal to half the user’s HT in hours(negating reeling condition and giving high pain threshold). Unfortunately, the user is also Numb for the same period. $50 per dose. LC3.

Antirad (TL9)

One dose halves the effective amount of rads from a new exposure; two doses will halve exposure again, and so on. Antirad is preventative; it does not heal radiation damage. It comes as an injection or pill for $150 per dose.

Hyperstim (TL9)

This drug instantly awakens an unconscious person, regardless of his HP or FP. Someone using this drug cannot fail a HT roll to avoid unconsciousness. After the drug wears off in HT/4 hours, roll vs. HT. Failure causes 1 HP damage, while critical failure also results in a heart attack. $100 per dose. LC2

Hypercoagulin (TL9)

When injected or applied to a patient with a bleeding wound, this causes instant coagulation and a cessation of bleeding within 1d+4 seconds. This is equivalent to bandaging.Injectable or contact agent only. $25/dose. LC3.

Ascepaline (TL10)

Accelerates cellular regeneration: anyone using it regenerates 1 HP every 4 hours. Each dose lasts a day, and a week should elapse before another dose is taken. If not, roll vs. HT+2 for the second dose, HT+1 for the third, etc. Failure means the user’s natural ability to heal without the drug is permanently damaged: the user gains Unhealing (Partial) (p. B160). He may still use Ascepaline and rejuvenation tanks, however. $20 per dose. LC3

Purge (TL10)

This cleanses the user’s system of foreign biochemicals. If the user makes a HT roll, it neutralizes any active drugs (including recreational drugs and alcohol) within 2d minutes. Failure means that the dose had no effect; critical failure also nauseates the user (-3 DX for 1 hour). Purge will not counteract drug addiction or cure side effects that remain after the drug that caused them wears off. Purge has no effect on most deadly poisons, but it will counteract sleep gas. $20 per dose. LC4.

Genericillin(TL 10)

This is a very powerful, general-purpose antibiotic. It doesn’t treat all diseases, but it’s a good thing to try. A dose of genericillin gives a +5 to HT to recover from bacterial diseases and infection for a week. $25 per dose. LC4.

Programmable Immune Machines (TL11)

These general-purpose nanomachines are programmed to eradicate disease-causing microorganisms or tumors. A successful diagnosis followed by a Physician roll lets the user program the nano dose to treat a specific disease. There’s no need to buy or make new nanomachines for each illness. Programming usually takes an hour per attempt (apply a -2 penalty to skill for rare diseases). Programming a cure for a previously unknown disease takes a successful diagnosis and at least a day per attempt. The skill roll is at -4. $2500 per dose. LC3.

Quickheal (TL11)

This is a topical application of nanomachines. It restores 2d HP. The patient must also have received First Aid; Quickheal won’t close a gaping wound. No more than one dose can be taken per hour. $500 per dose. LC4

QuickRegen(TL 11)

These nanomachines cause the body to quickly regenerate and close wounds, but are risky to use. They cause regeneration 10 hp for 1 second, but cost 4 FP. You must make a HT roll for them to take effect. On critical success they only cost 2 FP and last 2 seconds. On success the normal effect, on failure use up the FP but no healing happens. On critical failure cause 10 HP damage. They cannot act immediately after a wound is taken or the effect is halved. One must wait for 1 second/5 points total damage taken to have passed without taking any damage. Any damage taken during the regeneration stops it. Also a second dose cannot be applied before HT*2 seconds have passed from previous use. Cumulative uses cause -2 extra each to the HT roll. This penalty is reduced by 1/4 hours. $500 LC2

FastRegen(TL 11)

As Quick regen, but the speed is only 1 HP/second, the duration is HT seconds and FP cost is 2 FP total. Use causes -1 extra Cumulative uses are combined for all types. $500 LC3

Regen(TL 11)

As Quick regen, but the speed is only 1 HP/minute, the duration is HT*2 minutes and FP cost is one FP total. Use causes -1 extra to future rolls. Cumulative uses are combined for all types. $500 LC3

SlowRegen (TL 11)

as Quick regen, but the speed is only 1 HP/hour, the duration is HT*4 hours and there is no FP cost. No cumulative penalty. $500 LC2

Clotting(TL 11)

Nano machines that patrol the bloodstream and clot wounds. They take 1d minutes to clot a major wound. Each dose stays in the body upto 24 hours and can close one major wound. $500 LC3

Respirocytes (TL11)

These function like oxygen-carrying red blood cells, but with many times the transport capability. They store extra oxygen, transport it, and release it in response to need. They also extract carbon dioxide and absorbed nitrogen from muscle tissue, carrying it to the lungs for excretion. Respirocytes provide +2 FP and Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage x25, -50%). They last until the oxygen has been used up or the user reaches 0 FP due to extra effort or exertion; then additional respirocytes are needed. $2500 per dose. LC4.

Torpine (TL11)

This puts the user into a healing trance; he becomes unconscious for 12 hours. At the end of that time, all damage taken is totally healed. However, the user comes out of the trance at 1 FP. He is famished from the demands on his system, and must eat to recover lost FP. Torpine also speeds up the metabolism; treat each day on torpine as equivalent to 10 days for aging purposes. $1250 per dose. LC3.


Improved bandage spray with nanomachines, close wound and heal 1 hp in 3 seconds, give +6 to first aid for closing wounds. $75/dose LC 4

Common utility drugs

Ursaline (TL9)

This drug prevents atrophy of bone tissue and muscles in low or zero gravity. It is safe but somewhat expensive. A dose provides a week of protection, equivalent to No Degeneration in Zero G. $25/dose. LC4.

Adders (TL9)

This is a generic name for a group of drugs that tem- porarily add to ST, DX, IQ, HT, or Basic Move. One dose adds 1 point, but multiple doses can be taken together.

After it wears off, the affected attribute suffers a penalty equal to the original bonus and lasting twice as long.

To obtain the desired effect, a user must make a HT roll at -1 for every dose taken. If the roll is successful the attribute is raised by the number of doses taken for (25 - HT)/4 hours. If the roll fails, the drug decreases the attribute by the number of doses taken, for one hour. On a Critical failure you become addicted to them.

As long as any attribute bonus or penalty is in effect, using any other type of adder results in adverse side effects. If the user takes the same type of adder within 24 hours of a dose, he must make a new HT roll at a penalty equal to the total of all doses taken in that period. The bonus is only that of the new dose, but the letdown period is that of all the doses combined.

Adder users often feel very good under the effects of the drug – similar to the Overconfidence(9-) advantage – and are at least mildly depressed during the after effect period.

Pill or injection, $25/dose. LC3.

Bone Stimulation (TL9)

This treatment gives +1 HP (it can’t be repeated). It does not increase ST, but does allow muscle grafting or rein- forcement to increase Lifting or Striking ST by two points more than the normal limit. It can also cure one point of ST or HP loss due to bone degeneration in zero-G (see No Degeneration in Zero-G, p. 211).

The treatment is $10,000 (and two weeks). Repeated treatments will not have any further benefits, except to cure further ST or HP losses due to decalcification.

Mnemosin (TL9)

This drugs boosts the production of cyclic-AMP response element binding proteins (CREB) in the brain, enhancing the user’s memory. It gives him Photographic Memory for things experienced while under its effects, and temporary Eidetic Memory to recall anything experienced in the past. Effects last (25 - HT) minutes. Pills: $20/dose. LC4.


This drug chemically alters the neuro-endocrine system to improve reflexes and coordination. After taking NERV for 20 weeks, the user gains +1 DX. Then he must roll vs. HT. If successful, there are no side effects.

If the roll fails, the user suffers one level of Ham-Fisted [-5] (p. B138) as the drug increases overall reaction speed and agility, but fails to make the neural connections need- ed to improve fine motor coordination. (If the user already has Ham-Fisted [-5] it increases to [-10] level. If he already has Ham-Fisted [-10], or if the roll was a critical failure in any event, neural damage was inflicted. If neural damage is suffered, the user gains a Neurological Disorder (p. B144): a mild disorder unless he already has one; if so, increase the level of the disorder one stage, up to a maximum of crippling.

The treatment is $2,000 per week. LC3.


Nanosymbionts are colonies of nanomachines installed in a host’s body to perform useful services. Appropriately designed nanosymbionts can be used by any being with a biological body. The bio-nanomachines may be permanent residents or temporary lodgers. Unlike nanodrugs, nanosymbionts don’t simply produce chemicals – they interact directly with cells and other struc- tures in the body. Some roam the body, seeking infections or tumors and then producing drugs to combat them, while others physically manipulate objects, manhandling them into desired configurations. Properly designed nanosymbionts do not normally interfere with one another (except for those meant to do so) and can safely be used in combination.

Temporary Nanosymbionts

At TL10+, these are a common way to treat illnesses. A doctor will analyze the patient’s condition and prescribe appropriate nanosymbionts. They typically come in a sterile package housing a bee-sized capsule. This contains an applicator-programmer and billions of tiny nanomachines.

The user may set a treatment duration for anywhere from one day to two weeks; once set it cannot be changed.

The patient then swallows the capsule and the bio-nanoma- chines take effect within an hour. The applicator-programmer capsule is digested and excreted normally, while the nanosymbionts take up residence in the body. At the end of the treatment they shut down, and within another few weeks are cleansed by the body’s normal waste elimination functions.

The first price is for the temporary model.

Permanent Nanosymbionts

These perform ongoing maintenance or improvement functions in the body until removed. Permanent nanosym- bionts are more expensive than temporary ones, as the bio- nanomachines must be designed with long-term durability and self-repair capabilities.

Designers periodically release upgrades for some types of nanosymbionts, to add new capabilities. This is particu- larly common for those that deal with known bacteria or viruses, as new varieties are discovered or infectious strains mutate. Registered users can get an upgrade installed for 1% of the original purchase price.

The second price is for the temporary model.

Panimmunity (TL9)

Panimmunity injections contain smart artificial organ- isms or bio-nanomachines, tailor-made for each individual. They recognize friendly cells, and attack others. Availability and Statistics: Depending on the bio- engineering techniques of the society:

Artery Cleaners (TL10)

These use tiny biomechanical brushes, cilia, and rotors to clear plaque and fatty deposits from arterial surfaces, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Availability: $50/$2,500. LC4.

Statistics: If someone who has been using artery clean- ers for at least six months would lose a point of HT due to a failed aging roll (p. B444), roll 1d: on a 1-3 he doesn’t lose the HT. 0-point feature.

Nano-Bacteriophages (TL10)

These bio-nanomachines patrol for and destroy any known bacterial and parasitic pathogens, but have no effect on viruses.

Availability: $250/$12,500. LC4.

Statistics: Immunity to Known Bacteria [5].

Blood Cops (TL10)

These are gengineered macrophage cells designed to patrol the bloodstream, seeking out and destroying pathogens, toxins, and harmful free radicals before they can damage the body.

Availability: $850/$42,500. LC4.

Statistics: Blood Cops provide Longevity [2] and Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8) [15]. 17 points.

Carcinophages (TL10)

These are programmed to search the body for cells that have mutated into a cancerous state and destroy them before they can develop into tumors. They can also safely remove existing tumors, no matter how delicately placed, such as deep within the brain.

Availability: $250/$17,500. LC4.

Statistics: Immunity to Cancers [5]. Permanent carcinophages also grant Extended Lifespan 1 [2].

Guardians (TL10)

In a world where hostile nano can be used as insidious weapons, people will want to protect themselves.

Guardians are adaptive bio-nanomachines that will recog- nize any other bio-nanomachines already present in the body when they are first introduced.

If they come upon any new examples, they’ll attempt to destroy them. If a nano agent allows a HT roll to resist, guardians give a +8 bonus to the resistance roll.

Availability: $100/$5,000. LC3.

Statistics: Resistant to Bio-Nanomachines (+8) [2]. 2 points.

Lung Cleaners (TL10)

These roam the lungs, removing inhaled debris by encapsulating it and carrying it through to the body’s normal excretory systems.

Availability: $250/$12,500. LC4.

Statistics: Filter Lungs [5]

Microgravity Biochemistry (TL10)

By maintaining muscle tone and bone density at a micro- scopic level, these nanosymbionts prevent any degeneration of these tissues under microgravity or zero-gee conditions. Availability: $100/$5,000. LC4.

Statistics: No Degeneration in Zero-G [1] (p. 211).

Pore Cleaners (TL10)

A favorite example of cosmetic nano, these inhabit skin pores and keep them clean. They also eliminate body odor by killing the bacteria that cause it.

Availability: $50/$2,500. LC4.

Statistics: Sanitized Metabolism [1].

Tooth Cleaners (TL10)

These simple engineered bio-nanomachines keep the user’s teeth clean and healthy without any need for brush- ing or toothpaste.

Availability: $20/$1,000. LC4.

Statistics: This is a 0-point feature.

Virus Hunters (TL10)

Similar to bacteriophages, these are programmed to hunt and destroy known viral pathogens, but have no effect on bacteria.

Availability: $250/$12,500. LC4.

Statistics: Immunity to Known Viruses [5].

Cell Surgeons (TL11)

Availability: $6,000/$300,000. LC4.

Statistics: Regeneration (Regular; Nuisance Effect, sweat heavily while regenerating, -1 reaction, -5%) [24].

Electroreceptors (TL11)

These nanosymbionts reside in nerve tissue just beneath the user’s skin. They are sensitive to electrical and magnet- ic fields and initiate artificial nerve pulses under certain conditions. This allows the user to detect magnetic fields as well as electrical emanations, like those from electric fish or equipment, and determine the direction and approximate power level.

Availability: $2000/$125,000. LC4.

Statistics: Detect (Electric and Magnetic Fields; Vague, -50%) [5].

DNA Repair (TL11)

Radiation causes damage on the cellular level by mutat- ing the DNA, which then propagates the mutations when it divides and copies. DNA repair nano compares the DNA between cells throughout the body and repairs any that have accumulated significant mutations. This also repairs mutations caused by old age.

Availability: $1500/$75,000. LC4.

Statistics: Regeneration (Slow; Radiation Only, -60%) [4] and Extended Lifespan 1 [2].

Metabolic Regulators (TL11)

These are responsive nanosymbionts that provide the user with voluntary control of many of his own metabolic processes.

Availability: $3500/$175,000. LC4.

Statistics: Metabolic Control 2 (Mastery, +40%) [14]. The Mastery enhancement means the user can make precise adjustments to his metabolism and body chemistry instantly, helping him cope with even extreme or unexpected stresses. As long as he is conscious, he may add the level of Metabolism Control to any HT roll.

Respirocytes (TL11)

These function like oxygen-carrying red blood cells, but with many times the transport capabili- ty. They store extra oxygen, transport it around the body, and release it in intelligent fashion in response to need. They also extract carbon dioxide and absorbed nitrogen from muscle tissue and carry it rapidly to the lungs for excretion.

Availability: $1500/$75,000. LC4.

Statistics: +2 FP [6]; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage x25, -50%) [10]. Respirocytes are an exception to the rule that nanosymbionts take an hour to take effect – they begin working one minute after injection.


Almost all TL 11 or less cybernetics are available and fairly common, though the availability and price of the TL 11 versions is bad. Neural jacks are extremely common.

Cognitive implants are not normally available on the open market, though they are not illegal they are considered “bad taste”, though most nobles ignore that for the benefits they give.

The IQ cognitive implant does not exist and the normally available cognitive implant versions are limited to TL 10, with special contacts needed for the TL 11 versions.

Most people who can afford it have some bionics(with almost everyone having at least a biomonitor and communicator implanted), some quite extensive arrays of implants. Biomods are less common, but by no means rare.


Cybernetic modifications usually provide advantages or mitigate disadvantages; these traits are listed under Statistics along with the total point cost. The Body Modification(p. B294) rules apply, with the exception that the more detailed Operations rules below supersede the Surgical Modifications rules on p. B295.

Cybernetic advantages often have the limitation Temporary Disadvantage (Electrical, -20%), which means the advantage is vulnerable to electrical surges, power draining, etc. See Electrical, p.B134.

Cybernetic replacement parts for specific body locations are bought as a crippling disadvantage with the Mitigator (-70%) limitation. This limitation is assumed to include the effects of the Electrical, Maintenance (1 person, monthly) (p. B143), and Unhealing (p. B160) disadvantages for that body part.

Cybernetic implants generally supercede (or mitigate) existing natural or biological traits. Thus, if someone with Night Vision 1 gains a bionic eye that provides Night Vision 2, the levels don’t stack together. Modify the character’s point total accordingly; if paying character points for the advantage, base the cost on the net change (if positive).

Advantage modifiers

Several of the things below can be bought with additional limitations like:

Advantage vs gadget

Some of the implants can be instead bought as accessory[1] instead of normal point cost.

But with accessory they are treated as gear so they can be lost, damaged and are simply not part of you.

The difference is pretty significant for most things, but less so for others.

The example is scanning sense(Imaging Radar)[40] vs gadget(implanted Imaging Radar)[1]:

Scanning sense is a sense, you can do normal perception rolls with it and thus use it for things like you would normal vision. Gadget is just a radar with internal display, so you use electronics operation(sensors) to operate, you need to take a ready maneuver to turn it on or off and take concentrate maneuvers to use.

Thus for example aiming on something with a weapon:
Sense: Will the radar on(free action), look and you see the range(get the targeting bonus) and aim normally 1-3 seconds for accuracy. Implanted: ready maneuver to turn it on(1 second), get the range with a concentrate and roll of electronics operation(sensors) to get range info (1 second) and then aim normally 1-3 seconds for accuracy. After that you probably want to turn off the radar(1 second) to not be radiating and not have the radar overlay part of your vision field.

Also since the implanted gadget is a gadget you need to do things like maintenance(with advantage you only need to do it if you have the needs maintenance), replace power cells and so on as you would with any gadget.


Each modification specifies the type of procedure, the cost of the cybernetics, and the LC. Procedures are classified as simple, minor, complex, or radical – see below.


Installing cybernetic modifications involves opening up the patient and, except for simple procedures, performing neurosurgery to connect the device to the user’s nervous system.

Surgery skill is used to install cybernetics, and Surgery (Cybernetics) is a common specialization at TL9. Most hospitals are reliable enough that no skill rolls are required for surgery the characters pay for. If they do their own work, or a black-market surgeon is hired, the GM should require a Surgery skill roll (see p. B223).

The table below shows the procedures’ difficulty modifiers (use the parenthetical value for brain or eye surgery), the time per attempt, and the injury caused by a failed roll (this is applied to the body part operated on). Success installs the modification, but it won’t work until after the specified recovery period. The fee is the surgical fee charged at a clinic or hospital – ignore it for characters who do their own work.

Surgical Procedures Table

Procedure Modifiers Time Injury Recovery Period Fee
Simple +4 (+2) 15 min. 1 HP 1 hour
Minor +2 (+0) 1 hour 1d/2 HP 1 day
Major 0 (-2) 2 hours 1d HP 1 week
Radical -3(-5) 4 hours 3d HP 4 weeks

All damages and recovery times assume the surgeon is using robotic instruments; without them, double recovery time and damage. (Increase damage from a failed Simple procedure to 1d/2 HP.)

A modification is not functional until the recovery time has passed. If a disadvantage is mitigated by the modification – e.g., One Hand for a Bionic Hand – the patient will suffer the disadvantage until the recovery time is completed.

On a critical success, halve the recovery time. A critical failure may inflict double damage, or may result in the inadvertent installation of defective cybernetics. These may break down at a dramatically appropriate time, or cause an inconvenient disadvantage. Leaking toxic chemicals, bad installation, electrical faults, or infection might lead to Chronic Pain, Neurological Disorder, Unfit, Terminal Illness, or Wounded. A problem may also be specific to the attempted modification, such as a malfunctioning ear implant leading to Motion Sickness.

Repairing Cybernetics

Use Mechanic (Robotics) skill to repair physical damage or malfunctioning cybernetics, or to diagnose second-hand parts to see if they have any hidden flaws. Minor damage to bionic body parts can be repaired from the outside, without surgery. For implants and major damage, the part must be completely removed before any repairs can take place.

Powering Cybernetics

Cybernetic devices are assumed to be powered by body heat and motion. Exceptions are noted in the descriptions. Bionic limbs require cell replacement or recharging on a monthly basis (this is part of the maintenance requirement subsumed in their Mitigator limitation).


Disguised Appearance (TL7)

It’s possible to simply change someone’s facial features without altering their Appearance or making them an exact copy of someone else. This change may be combined with surgery for an Altered Appearance (below).

Operation: $1,000 (one week recovery). There is no extra time or cost if this procedure is combined with Altered Appearance. LC4.

Statistics:An acquaintance needs an IQ roll to recognize you.

Eyesight Correction (TL7)

Vision problems caused by focusing defects in the shape of the cornea can be relieved by a number of procedures that reshape the lens. The principles were understood as early as TL5, but technology did not allow successful correction until TL7, when radial keratotomy using a diamond scalpel was developed. At TL8+, this was largely replaced by safer and more accurate laser procedures that can eliminate myopia and astigmatism completely.

Operation:$2,000 (one day) per eye. You can be up and around after surgery, but treat as One Eye (or Blindness if both eyes were done) while recovering, and vision may be blurred at times for a few weeks – treat as Bad Sight (Nearsighted).

Statistics:Bad Sight (p. B123) is eliminated.

Hair Transplant (TL7)

Used by balding men (and, more rarely, women) to give the impression of normal hair growth. The technique of transferring plugs of skin containing hair follicles to the scalp was pioneered in the 1950s. At TL7 the results are obvious and artificial, but this improves rapidly by TL8, where natural-looking results are possible.

Operation:$1,000-$10,000 depending on extent of baldness. No recovery time.

Statistics: Depending on social mores, may remove Distinctive Features or be a prerequisite for an increase in Appearance (see Altered Appearance, below).

Altered Appearance (TL7/8/9)

A person’s facial looks, hair color, eye color and ethnic features can all be altered – often with the goal of improving on nature or repairing ravages of time or injury. To specifically duplicate another person’s appearance, see Copied Appearance(p. 170).

Operation:Minor changes cost $4,000 (one week recovery); major changes are $8,000 (two weeks recovery). Halve the dollar cost if any increase in Appearance results in acquiring Off-the-Shelf Looks, or for an modification that results in lowering Appearance or removal of a trait. Double the dollar cost for any modification that increases Appearance to Very Handsome, or results in Honest Face or Pitiable. LC4.

Statistics: Each minor change can involve one of the following: a shift in Appearance by one level, or somewhat altered features (so that it requires an IQ roll to recognize the character). Each major change may increase Appearance by two levels up, or down as far as desired (minimum Monstrous), or grant or remove one of the following: the Androgynous or Impressive options; the traits Honest Face (p. B101) or Pitiable (p. B22). Appearance cannot be reduced below Monstrous or above Very Handsome.


Biomods are bought with both points and cash. Each biomod’s availability (TL, LC, and means of acquisition) is summarized in its description. In theory, one simply has to locate someone who can make or install it, pay them, then undergo the operation. This might be as easy as visiting a neighborhood clinic and plunking down a credit card, or as complex as finding an outlawed scientist who’s the only one who can perform the operation. Usually, it depends on the TL and LC of the biomod.

Altered Bulk (TL7/8)

When I told the doc I wanted to gain weight, he was shocked. I told him it was for a movie – well, I wasn’t going to admit I needed some extra room to hide my flesh holster, was I?
– Detective Cody Chase, Nevada DPS

Fatty tissue can be removed surgically through techniques such as liposuction, or it can be grafted onto the body.

Operation:$5,000 (one week recovery). LC4.

Statistics:Bulk can be safely altered up or down by one step. The steps range from a maximum of Very Fat [-5], to Fat [-3], Overweight [-1] and normal weight, down to a minimum of Skinny [-5], in that order. After the operation, adjust weight accordingly.

Copied Appearance (TL8)

This procedure transforms someone’s face into a recognizable copy of another person (real or fictional). The subject must already have the same Appearance (including options like Androgynous or Impressive) as his model, as well as the same facial traits such as Honest Face (p. B101), Pitiable (p. B22), and any facial Distinctive or Unnatural Features. If these traits do not match those of the original, they must first be changed through the Altered Appearance (p. 169) procedure before additional surgery can proceed.

Operation:To turn someone into a fairly close duplicate (“you look like Elvis”), enough to qualify for Mistaken Identity, is $5,000 (one week recovery). An exact duplicate (as much as height and build permit) is $50,000 (three weeks recovery). Halve the cost and recovery time if the patient’s facial features are fairly similar to the features being copied (GM’s option). Copies of a real person or trademarked character are a legal violation (LC2) or require additional licensing fees that further increase the cost. Otherwise, LC3.

Statistics: A copy will have the Mistaken Identity trait (p. B21). A mass-produced copy of someone who is Handsome or better also gains the Off-the-Shelf Looks (-50%) modifier on their Appearance.

Extreme Sexual Dimorphism (TL7/8)

These procedures exaggerate primary male and secondary female sexual attributes. They are often preceded or followed by surgery to increase Appearance.

Operation:$5,000 (one week recovery). It requires Average or better Appearance (or the modifications just appear grotesque). LC3.

Statistics:Sex Appeal +1 [2] plus Distinctive Feature (Exaggerated sexual features) [-1]. 1 point.

Sex Change (TL7/8)

The procedures and effects depend on the level of sex change:

may be added later via a superficial change).

Operation:A superficial sex change is $2,000 (one week recovery). A gender reassignment or neutralization is $10,000 (and two weeks). A genital reassignment is $8,000 (and two weeks). A complete sex change is $30,000 (and three weeks) for a male-to-female change, or $100,000 (and four weeks) for a female-to-male, the latter requiring the creation of an artificial Y chromosome, which is trickier. There is often a requirement for psychological counseling prior to any sex change operation. LC3.

Statistics:Gender or genital reassignment results in the Sterile [0] feature; gender neutralization in Sexless [-1]. For superficial sex change, gender reassignment or neutralization, and complete sex change, if Appearance is at the Handsome/Beautiful or Very Handsome/Very Beautiful level, switch the descriptor (e.g., Handsome becomes Beautiful) or, optionally (especially in the case of gender neutralization) add the Androgynous (p. B21) special option. Any sex change, especially beyond the superficial level, can sometimes alter personality, as a result of the hormones used and the change in self-image.

Altered Height (TL8)

Height can be altered surgically by up to 3” in either direction through adjustments to the long bones of the arms and legs. Slight modifications to the spine can add an extra 3”.

Operation:$8,000/inch (one week recovery, or three weeks if spinal). LC3.

Statistics:No point cost unless the modification results in Dwarfism or Gigantism (or adjusts height surgically so that the character no longer qualifies for such a disadvantage).

Fingerprint Removal (TL8)

Early methods of surgical fingerprint removal result in scar tissue that leaves prints just as distinctive. By late TL8, the skin of the fingertips can be replaced by patternless skin grafts, providing blank and unidentifiable prints. Of course, if only one suspect for a crime has had this procedure, blank finger smudges will provide circumstantial evidence.

Operation:$1,000 (two weeks recovery). You can be active while recovering, but no tasks requiring fine manual dexterity can be performed. LC2.

Statistics:Removes fingerprints. This is a 0-point feature. At TL8 this reduces DX by 1 for tasks requiring fine sensitivity, such as Lockpicking, but the fingertips are also insensitive to pain. At TL9 fingertip sensitivity is not compromised.

Archwork (TL9)

Operation:$5,000 (two weeks recovery). You can be active after surgery, but treat as Lame while recovering. LC4.

Statistics: Adds 2” to height when barefoot, and you can wear high heels or dance shoes indefinitely without pain; regular footwear is uncomfortable (0 points).

Jointwork (TL9)

Operation:$20,000 (two weeks recovery) for a single advantage, or $40,000 (four weeks recovery) for a combination of two or more. LC4. Statistics:Any of Catfall [10], Flexibility [5], or High Manual Dexterity +1 [5], or raise an existing Flexibility advantage to Double-Jointed [15].

Eros Plus (TL9)

The subject’s erogenous zones are significantly more sensitive to erotic stimulation then an ordinary person’s. This can be enjoyable.

Operation: $5,000 (two weeks recovery). Only two days bed rest is required, but you will suffer the Sexless quirk until the entire recovery period is over. LC3. Statistics:If your partner is using Erotic Art skill with you, they get a +4 bonus; however, you are also -4 to resist Interrogation or Fast-Talk during such activity. The net cost is 0 points. This biomod can be addictive. For the first 1d months after it is added, the GM can require a Will roll to avoid acquiring the disadvantage Lecherousness (15) [-7], or having the self-control roll for an existing disadvantage reduced one step, e.g., Lecherousness (12) becomes Lecherousness (9).

Hair Graft (TL9)

An exotic hair graft permits living hair or fur strips to be grafted to certain parts of the body, such as the spine, ankles or wrists.

Operation: $1,000 (one day recovery). LC4. Statistics:Usually a 0-point feature, if that, but may qualify as Distinctive Features or Unnatural Features depending on social mores.

Muscle Graft (TL9)

Operation: $20,000 (four weeks recovery). If using a muscle-boosting nanovirus, half the ST gain (round down) occurs after two weeks, with the remainder at the end of the growth period. LC4.

Statistics:Select from +1 to +3 Lifting ST and the same level of Striking ST. This reflects the fact that this ST only applies to limb muscles, not to internal muscles like heart or lungs or to the skeleton. Boosting ST by muscle grafts adds 10 pounds to weight per point of ST increase.

Testicle Tuck (TL9)

This modification eliminates the special vulnerability of the male groin to injury. A cheaper version exists which leaves the recipient sterile. Operation:$4,000 (two weeks recovery). Treat as Sexless while recovering from surgery, but no bed rest is required. LC4. The cheap version is $1,000 (and one week); LC3. Statistics:Injury Tolerance (No Vitals; Partial, Vitals, Groin only, -60%) [2]. The cheap version adds Sterility [0]. 2 points.

Xenosculpting (TL9)

This gives someone nonhuman features, ranging from pointed “elf” ears to an animal-like face or head. Minor cosmetic xeno-features include such modifications as elf- or cat-like ears, tiny horns (too small to do damage), a forked tongue, or a birdlike crest – that is, any features that don’t require bone or nervous system alterations. Adding a small patch of fur or feathers (e.g., to the scalp or ears) is also a minor cosmetic change. Major xenosculpting may include altered facial bone structure, like an animal-like jaw or muzzle, or modifications to skull shape. For claws, sharp teeth and so on, see Xenostriker Grafts(p. 178). For full-body fur, scales and so on, see Skin Transformation Virus (p. 186). A bunny tail or a non-functional tail that simply hangs there is a minor cosmetic modification; a tail with bone and muscle that can be wagged is a transplant; see Tail Grafts(p. 178). Most changes to features like the eyes or nose do not improve senses – they are cosmetic only. (Due to the need to modify the brain as well as the sense organs themselves, improvements to senses require either genetic engineering, cybernetics, or bio-nanotech). An exception is large ears, due to the funneling of sound; these canimprove hearing.

Operation: This depends on the extent of the change. Minor cosmetic xeno-features are $1,000 (one day recovery) each. A set of related minor modifications (e.g., giving someone rabbit ears, buck teeth and a button nose) is $10,000 (one week recovery). Altered facial bone structure is $30,000 (and 2+ weeks). LC3.

Statistics:This is a 0-point feature, but may count as Distinctive Features [-1] or even Unnatural Features [-1 to -3] if such biomods are rare or no “real” existing race resembles you. Some changes – e.g., bug eyes and a suckerlike mouth surrounded by writhing tendrils – could also give a negative Appearance or Social Stigma. If you are disguised as a known alien or variant race, this may also qualify as a Secret if you are passing yourself off as one of them. Large ears can provide Acute Hearing +1 [2].

Xeno-Voice Box (TL9)

This technology doesn’t have to be used for sinister purposes. For instance, a human diplomat might have his voice box modified so that he can speak an alien language that’s impossible for a human larynx to pronounce. Then he’d be modified back after completing his tour of duty.

Operation: $10,000 (two weeks recovery); only a day of bed rest is required, but the subject will be Mute for the entire recovery period. Reversing the effects of a xeno-voice box operation takes the same time and cost as the original procedure. A person can also be surgically rendered Mute with no ability to make sounds; this can be done quite safely at TL6, and is $500. LC4. Statistics: A human voice box altered to make vocal animal sounds – trills, barking, purring, etc. – gives Disturbing Voice [-10] if speech is still possible, or Cannot Speak [-15] if it permits only animal sounds. Cannot Speak can be combined with Voice [10], if the animal sounds are pleasant. Modifying a human to speak an alien language is also treated as Disturbing Voice, as human speech will be garbled.

Hermaphromorphic Surgery (TL10)

Operation: $150,000 (and four weeks). LC3. Statistics: Hermaphromorph [5] plus Reproductive Control [1]. 6 point

Normal implants

These are the commonly used cybernetic transplants.

Computer Implant (TL9)

The user should also have a neural jack (p. 217) or implant radio (p. 211).

Statistics: Accessory (Tiny computer) [1]; Photographic Memory (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%; Recorded data only, -20%) [6]. 7 points.

Availability: Minor procedure $4,000 + the cost of a tiny computer (p. 22) with the compact option. LC4

Neural Jack (TL9)

This is a socket implanted in the body (usually the back of the neck, base of the spine, or skull) with a communications interface. The user can plug an optical cable (p. 43) into it and connect to a phone line, modem, etc.

Statistics:Cable Jack (Sensie, +80%) [9]. 9 points.

Accessibility: Minor procedure. $4,000. LC3.

Wireless Neural Interface (TL9)

This is a wireless neural interface radio with a one-mile range. It can also function as a radio communicator.

Statistics:Radio (Reduced Range, ¥1/10, -30%; Secure, +20%; Sensie, +80%) [17]. 17 points.

Accessibility: Minor procedure $5,000. LC3

Neurotherapy Implant (TL9)

Computer chips may be surgically implanted into the brain to restore misbehaving or damaged functions, or to act as a bridge between injured and healthy areas. A neurotherapy implant can be implanted to neutralize mental or physical disadvantages that impair brain or neurological function, such as Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Killjoy, NonIconographic, Neurological Disorder, and Short Attention Span.

If brain damage such as a stroke or bungled brain surgery causes DX or IQ loss or other disadvantages (e.g., Blindness or Mute, or partial paralysis resulting in a disadvantage such as One Arm), the GM may the implant can be used to fix it.

Statistics:Add the Mitigator (-70%) limitation for the disadvantage.

Availability: A persona map of the patient is required before a neurotherapy implant can be installed; see Brainscanner(p. 203). This data is used to program the implant. Minor procedure. $500 per -1 point of disadvantage. LC3.

Psych Implant (TL9)

This implant stimulates areas of the brain to produce psychological reactions. Moderate regimes use them as an alternative to prison or psychiatric treatment – repressive ones rely on them for mind control.

A psych implant gives the subject an additional mental disadvantage. Common implants induce Combat Paralysis, Gullibility, Pacifism, or Slave Mentality, and are used to restrain violent individuals or render the subject easily controllable. Illegal implants are available that compel Berserk, Dyslexia, Paranoia, or a Phobia. An implant can not create self-imposed mental disadvantages such as Code of Honor.

The disadvantage is not active until after the recovery period, although the subject will feel a growing urge to act in the fashion indicated. Any implant-induced disadvantage ends when the implant is removed. However, anyone who has worn a psych implant for three or more months may acquire the disadvantage permanently. After the implant is removed, the implantee should make a Will roll at +4 to avoid the disadvantage continuing, with a penalty of -1 for each doubling of time, e.g., Will+3 at six months, Will+2 after a year, Will+1 after two years, etc.

Therapeutic implants also exist which negatemental disadvantages, such as Bad Temper or Phobias; use the rules for Neurotherapy Implants. After several months the effect may become permanent. Roll vs. Will as above when the implant is removed – if the roll fails, the disadvantage is gone. The GM may require it to be bought off with character points. Statistics: A disadvantage granted by a psych implant will have the (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) limitation. A disadvantage that is negated by a psych implant will have the (Mitigator, -70%) limitation. Availability: A persona map of the patient is required; see Brainscanner(p. 203). This data is used to program the implant. Major procedure (minor at TL10-12). $1,000 per -1 point of disadvantage added or mitigated. LC3.

Biological Operating System (BOS) Implant (TL10)

This implant controls biofeedback systems and diagnostic monitors, as well as nanomachine drug factories that that help the user manage his body’s physiological state. Statistics: Alcohol Tolerance [1], Deep Sleeper [1], Metabolism Control 1 [5], No Hangover [1]. 8 points. Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11-12). $10,000. LC3.

Thermal Imaging Eyes (TL10)

This is a pair of bionic eyes with tiny infrared imaging cameras, day/night telescopic optics, and a HUD (p. 24) chipped into the optic nerves.

Statistics: Accessory (HUD) [1]; Infravision (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [8]; Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Telescopic Vision 1 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [4]; Blindness (Mitigator, -70%) [-15]. 0 points.

Availability: Two major procedures (minor if replacing existing bionic eyes). $8,000. LC4.

Polyskin (TL10)

A combination of micromachines, smart bioplastic implants, and artificial glands that allow the recipient to alter his appearance. He can adjust apparent weight, skin color and tone, and facial structure.

The system can be purchased for the face or for the entire body. It can also be combined with sexmorph (p. 214). If the recipient already has TL10+ bioplastic skin (p. 212) divide the dollar cost of the implant and the recovery time by 2

Polyskin Body (TL10)

Statistics: Elastic Skin (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [16]. 16 points. Availability: Radical procedure. $36,000. LC2. This is only a major procedure if the recipient already has bioplastic or living metal skin.

Polyskin Face (TL10)

Statistics: Elastic Skin (Face only, -25%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [11]. 11 points. Availability: Major procedure. $15,000. LC2. Reinforced Skeleton (TL10)

Reinforced Skeleton (TL10)

Micro- or nanomachines can reinforce a patient’s skeleton with carbon fibers, transforming his bones into structures with the strength of metal. Implants take over the function of bone marrow and produce blood cells. Weight does not increase. While the reinforced bones do not show up on metal detectors, they can be identified with X-rays, diagnostic beds, and other advanced sensors.

Statistics: HP+5 [10]; DR 20 (Head vitals only, -70%) [15]; DR 10 (Limited, Crushing, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [5]. 30 points.

Availability: Radical procedure (major at TL11-12). $50,000. LC3.

Sexmorph (TL10)

This suite of sphincter valves, synthetic hormone glands and memory or bioplastic implants allows the recipient to switch gender in 10 seconds. If desired, a user can also adopt a neuter phase (no obvious genitalia or breasts) or transsexual phase (male genitalia, female breasts, or vice versa) with voice and features as desired.

Statistics: Hermaphromorph (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%; transsexual form also, +20%) [5]. 5 points.

Availability: Major procedure. $10,000,LC3.

Slickskin (TL10)

The recipient’s skin is covered with a switchable smart matter nanofilm. When activated, most of his skin becomes virtually frictionless. The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are not affected.

Statistics:Slippery 3 [6]. 6 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $12,000. LC3.

Cyberhair (TL10)

This implant replaces sections of ordinary hair with thin cybernetic tendrils attached to a reinforced scalp. Cyberhair does not grow and cannot be cut by ordinary razors or scissors, but it can coil close to the scalp when the recipient needs a “haircut.”

Cyberhair can be used as a simple manipulator, which may be useful if the user is grappled or tied up. It must be at least shoulder-length to be effective.

Shoulder-Length Cyberhair (TL10)

Statistics: Extra Arm 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Short, -50%; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%; Weak, 1/4 body ST, -50%) [3]. 3 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $3,000. LC4

Waist-Length Cyberhair (TL10)

Statistics: Extra Arm 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%; Weak, 1/4 body ST, -50%) [8]. 8 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $4,000. LC3.

Knee-Length Cyberhair (TL10)

Longer and tougher, with a reinforced scalp to support the hair’s capabilities.

Statistics: Extra Arm 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Long, +100%; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%; Weak, 1/2 body ST, -25%) [20]. 20 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $10,000. LC3.

Variskin (TL10)

The recipient’s skin is replaced or coated with smart film. He can change its color and texture to blend in with the surroundings. If nude, he gets +2 to Stealth skill when perfectly still, or +1 if moving. Clothing reduces this to +1 when perfectly still. It takes one second to alter skin pigment, and unnatural colors such as green or chrome are possible. The skin can also function as a video display terminal for data run through neural interface or computer implant.

Statistics: Accessory (Video terminal) [1]; Chameleon 1 (Controllable, +20%) [6]. 7 points.

Availability: Minor procedure (simple at TL11). $1,000. LC2.

If the patient has bioplastic skin (p. 212) the procedure is simple.

Gill Implant (TL10)

This implant allows the recipient to breathe underwater, using a device that extracts oxygen from water (it’s not a true set of fish gills). It uses two C cells per day of operation. Maintenance involves opening an access panel in his chest or back, cleaning filters, and installing new power cells.

Statistics: Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%; Temporary Disadvantages, Maintenance, 1 hour, daily, -10%, and Electrical, -20%) [4]. 4 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $8,000. LC4.

Hive Implant (TL10)

This implanted swarmbot hive (p. 37) can carry a single swarm measuring one square yard. It includes recharging ports hidden by a skin flap, allowing the swarm to recharge from a power system or the included C cell. The swarm and a control system (such as an implant computer and advanced com implant) must be acquired separately.

Statistics:Accessory (Swarmbot Hive) [1]; Payload 1 [1]. 2 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $1,000. LC4.

Intestinal Recycler (TL10)

The human digestive system is imperfect, so waste matter always contains useful chemicals that could have been metabolized and used by the body. This implant collects waste matter and reprocesses it.

Statistics:Reduced Consumption 2 [4]. 4 points. Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $4,000. LC4.

Nanoweave Subdermal Armor (TL10)

Advanced flexible armor implanted under the patient’s skin. It has DR 18 vs. piercing and cutting damage and DR 6 vs. other damage.

Statistics: DR 12 (Limited, Piercing and Cutting, -20%; Tough Skin, -40%) [12]; DR 6 (Tough Skin, -40%) [9]. 21 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11). $5,000. LC2.

Accelerated Reflexes (TL10)

A system of electronic nerves and computer hardware that replaces large sections of the nervous system. Statistics: Extra Attack 1 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [20]. 20 points.

Availability: Radical procedure. $50,000. LC2

Stinger (TL9)

This concealed implant houses a single disposable hypo (p. 197) sheathed under a fingernail or in a body cavity. The recipient has no ability to manufacture drugs or toxins; he must buy hypos loaded with injectable drugs, poisons, or metabolic weapons. It takes 10 seconds to remove and replace a hypo in the mount.

A fingernail-mounted stinger attacks just like a jab with a disposable hypo. It has reach C, does 1 HP damage for penetration purposes, but with no wounding, and delivers a follow-up attack based on whatever agent was loaded into it. If the user has claws rather than normal fingernails, the injection can be a follow-up attack to the claw’s damage. A body-cavity stinger is mostly useful to deliver a surprise attack during an intimate moment; the GM may allow a Touch-8 sense roll to notice the tiny mount before it can be used. A stinger in the mouth can also be a follow-up attack to a bite.

Statistics: Extra Arm (Switchable, +10%; Takes Recharge, -10%; Weapon Mount, -80%) [2]. 2 points.

Availability:Minor procedure. $500 (hypos not included). LC3.

Filter Implant (TL9)

A self-regenerating particle-filtration system integrated into the recipient’s lungs.

Statistics:Filter Lungs [5].

Availability: Minor procedure (simple at TL11-12). $2,500. LC4.

Flesh Pocket (TL9)

This is a surgically implanted pocket or pouch, sealed by a flap of skin. It can be used to smuggle small objects. A flesh pocket is normally installed in the torso; up to five levels are possible. Each level allows the pocket to hold up to Basic Lift/10 lbs. If placed elsewhere, a maximum of one level can be installed, and the amount of weight that can be carried is divided by 4 (leg), 8 (arm), or 16 (head or neck).

Statistics:Payload 1-5 [1/Level]. 1-5 points.

Availability:Simple procedure. $200 per level. LC3.

Gyrobalance (TL9)

This is a miniature electronic gyroscope implanted in the inner ears (bothears – but treat as a single operation), and interfaced to improve the recipient’s sense of balance. Statistics:Klutz (Mitigator, -70%) [-2]; Perfect Balance (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [12]. 10 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $7,000. LC4.

Hidden Compartments (TL9)

A cybernetic arm or leg may have a compartment large enough for any small object of up to Basic Lift/10 lbs. weight.

Statistics: Payload 1 [1].

Availability: Simple procedure. $500. No operation required if purchased with the limb. LC4.

Implant Radio (TL9)

This “implant communicator” is a radio (p. 44) with a range of one mile. It is spliced into the recipient’s auditory nerve; the user may speak normally or subvocalize. A character with an implant radio can use it to subscribe to a cell phone or net service provider.

Statistics:Radio (Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Secure, +20%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [7]. 7 points.

Availability:Simple procedure. $100. LC4.

Implant Video Comm (TL9)

This implanted radio communicator (p. 44) is spliced into the recipient’s optic nerves to provide a video display. It has a range of one mile, and can be used to subscribe to a cell phone or net service provider. Statistics: Radio (Reduced Range, ¥1/10, -30%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%; Video, +40%) [9]. 9 points.

Availability:Minor procedure (simple at TL10-12). $200. LC4.

Internal Reinforcement(TL9)

Implanted bioplastic elements under the skin protect specially vital locations from damage, but are not as durable as armor.


Availability: Major procedure. $10,000,LC3. ($50,000 TL 11)

Biomonitor Implant (TL9)

This implant monitors vital signs: pulse, heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration, brainwaves, blood sugar, and alcohol levels, as well as the overall condition of the user’s other cybernetics. It includes a small wrist display, and can connect to a neural interface (p. 48) or computer implant (p. 215). It gives a +2 bonus to any First Aid, Diagnosis or Physician rolls on the cyborg, as long as the medic can see the display. Halve the bonus if the user can see it but has to describe it to the medic. If the medic has a neural interface or a computer, he can jack it into a port beside the visual readout and monitor the cyborg directly

Statistics:Accessory (Biomonitor) [1]. 1 point. Availability:Simple procedure $100. LC4.

Bionic Arm or Hand (TL9)

This is slightly stronger than the original, but constrained by the limits of the flesh-and-bone shoulder it is attached to.

One Bionic Arm (TL9)

Statistics: Arm ST+2 (One arm; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%) [5]; DR 2 (One arm, -40%) [3]; One Arm (Mitigator, -70%) [-6]. 5 points.

Availability: Major procedure. $12,000. LC4.

Two Bionic Arms (TL9)

Statistics: Arm ST+2 (Both arms; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%) [8]; DR 2 (Arms, -20%) [4]; No Fine Manipulators (Mitigator, -70%) [-9]. 7 points.

Availability:Two major procedures. $24,000. LC4. If the recipient already has one existing bionic arm, use the Availability entry for one bionic arm.

Bionic Hand (TL9)

A cybernetic hand and wrist.

Statistics: Arm ST+1 (One arm, Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [3]; DR 2 (One hand, -80%) [1]; One Hand (Mitigator, -70%) [-4]. 1 point.

Availability:Major procedure. $8,000. LC4.

Bionic Ears (TL9)

Crude cybernetic implants to repair damaged or lost hearing were available at TL8; these are much more advanced, providing some benefits over natural ears.

Bionic Ear (TL9)

Statistics: Hard of Hearing (Mitigator, -70%) [-3]. -3 points.

Operation: Minor procedure. $500. LC4.

Bionic Ears (TL9)

Statistics:Protected Hearing [5]; Deafness (Mitigator, -70%) [-6]. -1 point.

Operation: Two minor procedures. $1,000. LC4.

Advanced Bionic Ears (TL9)

These ears are connected to a computerized soundprofiling database. Statistics: Discriminatory Hearing (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [12]; Protected Hearing [5]; Deafness (Mitigator, -70%) [-6]. 11 points.

Operation: Two minor procedures. $5,000. LC4.

Bionic Eyes (TL9)

The eye is a complex organ, but TL9 cybernetics are able to replace it with something that works just as well or better than the original. Standard features are roughly equivalent to night vision contact lenses, including a video display option and low-light and telescopic (2x) optics.

One Bionic Eye (TL9)

Statistics: Accessory (Video Display) [1]; Nictitating Membrane 2 (One eye, -50%) [1]; Night Vision 2 (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [2]; Telescopic Vision 1 (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [4]; One Eye (Mitigator, -70%) [-4]. 4 points.

Availability: Major eye procedure. $5,000. LC4.

Two Bionic Eyes (TL9)

Statistics: Accessory (Video Display) [1]; Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Night Vision 2 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [2]; Protected Vision [5]; Telescopic Vision 1 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [4]; Blindness (Mitigator, -70%) [-15]. -1 points.

Availability: Two major eye procedures. $10,000. LC4

Bionic Leg (TL9)

A single cybernetic leg is limited by the capabilities of the remaining original leg. A pair of legs are more useful. One Bionic Leg

Statistics: DR 3 (One leg, -40%) [9]; Missing Legs (Mitigator, -70%) [-6]. 3 points. Availability: Major procedure. $8,000. LC4.

Two Bionic Legs

Statistics:Basic Move +1 (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%) [4]; Super Jump 1 (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%) [8]; DR 3 (Legs, -20%) [12]; Legless (Mitigator, -70%) [-9]. 15 points.

Availability: Two major procedures. $16,000. LC4.

Bionic Vital Organs (TL9)

Complete cybernetic replacement of the heart, lungs, or other vital organs is usually performed only to save a life. This may be combined with additional implants that improve on the original organ.

Bionic Organ Transplants (TL9)

One of the most common operations, this extends TL8 medicine with better pacemakers, artificial lungs, etc. The procedure is common, and therefore cheaper than most cybernetics.

Statistics: Hard to Kill (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) +2 [4]; Terminally Ill (Up to one month; Mitigator, -70%) [-30]. -26 points. Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11-12). $7,000. LC4.

Boosted Heart (TL10)

This combination of a cybernetic heart upgrade and arterial reinforcement allows the recipient to temporarily boost his metabolism beyond human norms. It can be added to either a healthy or a bionic heart. Statistics: Basic Speed +1 (Costs Fatigue 1, -5%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [15]; Immunity to Heart Attack (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [4]. 19 points.

Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11).$10,000. LC4.

Bionic Voicebox (TL9)

This implant replaces the recipient’s voicebox, and may include an artificial tongue if the original was damaged. Someone with a damaged or recovering voicebox can croak or gurgle, but cannot actually speak. These implants can also be used to give animals the power of speech, although at IQ 5 or less, they can only parrot words.

Cybervoder (TL9)

Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator, -70%) [-3]. -3 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $1,000. LC4.

Silvertongue Implant (TL10)

Statistics:Cannot Speak (Mitigator, -70%) [-3]; Voice (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [8]. 5 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $5,000. LC4.

Boosted Reflexes (TL9)

These implanted glands release chemicals on mental command, triggering a controlled adrenaline-like response.

Statistics:Basic Speed +2 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%) [18]. 18 points.

Availability: Minor procedure $9,000. LC3.

Simple Implant translator(TL9)

This tiny computer translates from a single language to your language only.

Statistics: One way fluency(electrical -20%)[1]

Availability: Minor procedure. $500. LC4.

Implant translator(TL10)

This implanted tiny computer that either ties in to your communicator and has a small speaker to emit the sounds in other language.

Requires a video communicator or a radio communicator and a hud.

Statistics: one language native/native(electrical -20%)[5]

Availability: Minor procedure. $2,000. LC4.

Rare implants

Modular Implant translator(TL10)

This advanced comm implant allows easy swapping of the language known by uploading new language program.

Statistics: Implant - Electrical, -20%.[22]

There are versions with upto 5 language slots available each extra slot is +11 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $3,000+$1,000 for each language program running at same time thus $4,000 for base model. LC4.

Extra language programs for swapping are $500 each.

Advanced Modular Implant translator(TL11)

The newest versions of implant translators have superior capacity for languages at the same time.

Statistics: Implant - Electrical, -20%.[51]

The base model is with 5 languages, you can buy models with up to 50 language capacity, each extra language is 7 points.

Availability: Minor procedure. $15,000+$5,000 for each language program running at same time. LC4.

Extra language programs for swapping are $500 each.

Cognitive Enhancement (TL10)

TL 11 versions are very rare.

This implant establishes new connections between itself and different parts of the brain., Normal neurons are replaced with cybernetic duplicates. The benefits provided are capabilities at which electronic computers exceed the capabilities of human brainpower, such as spatial awareness, memory and processing speed.

Statistics: Choose from:3D Spatial Sense [10], Eidetic Memory [5], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Intuition [15], Language Talent [10], Lightning Calculator [2 or 5], Oracle [15], Mathematical Ability [10/level], Musical Ability [10/level], Single-Minded [5],Visualization [10].

The maximum points available per operation are 15 at TL10, 45 at TL11. Then add Temporary Disadvantage (Electrical, -20%). Can have maximally 2 at TL 10, 4 at TL 11

Availability: Major procedure. $5,000 x point cost TL 10, $25,000 x point cost TL 11. (before applying Temporary Disadvantage). LC3

Backup Brain (TL11)

This computer and sensor system monitors the user’s chemical and electrical thought processes, reshaping its own neural network to imitate them. The backup brain will configure itself into an electronic duplicate of the user’s mind after a number of months equal to the user’s IQ. After it has successfully mimicked the user, a simple operation can shut down the organic brain and give the backup brain control of the user’s body.

The advantage of doing so is twofold: the implant is more resistant to brain damage, and it does not suffer IQ losses due to aging or brain disease. A backup brain implant can also be transplanted into a clone body. (This is a radical cybernetic operation.) If successful, the result will be a clone controlled by a computer that behaves exactly like the original person.

If the user dies, the brain implant may survive, preserving the user’s memory and personality. This is the case whether or not the ordinary brain has been shut down. If the user was killed by any injury that left his head intact, the implant will always survive. If the brain implant user was killed by a head injury, the implant will survive unless the head was totally destroyed (i.e., damage to the head alone was greater than 5 x HT). If the implant survives, it can be salvaged and transplanted into a cloned body.

Statistics:Once the implant has taken over, the user’s ability to avoid IQ losses from aging and sometimes evade death is the Extra Life (Copy) advantage Availability:Radical procedure. $125,000. LC3.

Monocrys Subdermal Armor (TL11)

This diamondoid nanocrystal mesh grown under the patient’s skin provides DR 24 vs. piercing and cutting damage and DR 8 vs. other damage.

Statistics: DR 16 (Limited, Piercing and Cutting, -20%; Tough Skin, -40%) [16]; DR 8 (Tough Skin, -40%) [12]. 28 points.

Availability: Major procedure. $50,000. LC2.

Hyperspectral Eyes (TL11)

These bionic eyes are similar to thermal imaging eyes, except that multispectral cameras replace the infrared cameras.

Statistics:Accessory (HUD) [1]; Hyperspectral Vision (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [20]; Nictitating Membrane 3 [3]; Telescopic Vision 1 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [4]; Blindness (Mitigator, -70%) [-15]. 13 points.

Availability: Two major procedures (minor if replacing existing bionic eyes). $60,000. LC4.

Hyperdense Skeleton (TL11)

A reinforced skeleton (above) impregnated with hyperdense nanoparticles for additional damage resistance. A hyperdense skeleton increases body weight by 10 to 20 percent.

Statistics: HP+5 [10]; DR 40 (Skull only, -70%) [30]; DR 20 (Limited, Crushing, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [10]. 50 points.

Availability: Radical procedure. $500,000. LC2.

Ripsnake (TL10)

This cybernetic assassin’s weapon is a concealed bionic limb linked to the user’s nervous system. It uncoils from a natural body opening (usually the mouth) when deployed, and can attack semi-autonomously.

In certain situations, a ripsnake can deliver an automatically successful attack to the vital organs. For example, if a would-be assassin with a ripsnake concealed in his mouth kisses someone, it can coil out and down his victim’s throat.

Statistics: Extra Attack 1 (Ripsnake Only, -20%) [20]; Impaling Striker (Cannot Parry, -40%; Long, +1 SM, +100%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [12]. 32 points. Availability:Major procedure. $26,000. LC2.

Cyber Claws (TL9)

The recipient’s hands or feet are equipped with ceramic or metal claws. The claws are retractable, triggered by muscle contractions.

Statistics: Sharp Claws (Switchable, +10%) [6].

Options: add one of:

claw’s edge, it cannot cut into a flat surface.)

str cost modidier is the cost to modify your STR for the same enchantment see Powers page 146

Availability:Minor procedure. $6,000. LC3.

Halve the cost and treat as a simple procedure if adding these to a bionic hand or arm.

Bomb Implant (TL9)

This explosive charge is attached to a timed or radiotriggered detonator and placed in the subject’s head or torso. Implanted bombs could be suicide devices under the control of the implantee, or used to insure the loyalty of untrustworthy subordinates. Implanted bombs are often wired into other implants to prevent tampering – see Detecting and Removing Cybernetics(p. 208). An ounce of TL9 explosive will inflict 6d crushing damage with the explosive modifier; wounding to the victim is tripled (as per a vital hit) for a torso charge in the vitals, or quadrupled (as per a skull injury) for one buried in the head. An exploding skull inflicts 1d-3 cutting fragmentation damage to anyone nearby.

Availability:Simple procedure. Use the cost and LC of a smart grenade (p. 146); a 25mm or 40mm can fit in the torso, a 15mm in a limb, 10mm elsewhere in the body.

Implanted laser(TL10)

Should be in arm or it is hard to aim.

Implanted Holdout Laser: 2d(2) burn, acc 3, range: 300/900 B cell for 22 shots lc:3 Blk:-1 rcl:1

Innate Attack (Tight beam Burn) 2d - Armor Divisor (2), +50%; Increased range 100/300, +25%; Electrical, -20%; Rapid fire 10(selective), +110%; Limited use 22 shots, -30%. [24]

$800, LC 2

Implanted Electrolaser(TL9)

should be in arm or it is hard to aim

Implanted Holdout Electrolaser HT-2(2) aff 2 acc 3 range 10/20 22 shots on B cell blk:-1 rcl:1 lc:4 linked 1d-3 burn

Affliction 2 - Armor pen (2), +50%; Reduced range 10/20, -10%. 19 B35 Innate Attack (Burn) 1 - Armor Divisor (2), +50%; decreased range 10/20, -10%; Electrical, -20%; 1d-3, x0.4. 3 B61

$750, LC 3

Implanted scrambler(TL9)

Implanted scrambler (microwave disruptor): Scrambler HT-2 aff (1 yd) acc 3 40/120 B 1 11(3) 3 -1 1 lc 2

Affliction 2, +50%; Increased range 40/120, +10%; Machines only, -50%; Unconsciousness, +200% [22]

$620, LC 1

Implanted Holdout Blaster(TL11)

Holdout Blaster 2d(5) burn, sur 3 130/500 B 3 13(3) 3 -1 1

$5500, LC 2

FIXME point cost

Implanted Sonic Stunner(TL10)

10 Sonic Stunner HT-2(5) aff 1 10/30 B 1 22(3) 3 -1 1 $120

$620 LC 3

FIXME point cost

Implanted Mini Needler(TL9)

Mini Needler, 3mmN 1d-2 pi- 1 25/100 ammo wt:0.03 3 25(3) 3 -1 2 $200 3

FIXME point cost

$700 LC 3

Implanted Gauss Mini Needler(TL10)

Gauss Minineedler, 3mm 1d(3) pi- 1 50/200 ammo wt:0.03+B cell 4 25(3) 3 -1 2

$800 LC 2

FIXME point cost

Implanted Grav Mini Needler(TL11)

Grav Minineedler 2d(10) imp in 1 50/200 ammo wt:0.03 4 100(3) 3 -1 1 $200

$3500, LC 2

FIXME point cost

Mind uploads

Rich people often take “backups” of themselves either with a backup brain or with a Non-Destructive Uploading. Taking a copy costs about $20 000 ($15 000 if you have backup brain), Storage at certified medical facilities costs $500/year. The process is not foolproof and has about a 5% probability to have a corrupted upload. Unfortunately there is no way of testing for success except downloading them to a body. Thus people who do this tend to keep also earlier copies around. Actually using a copy normally requires a quick assembly of a body with a biofab($400 000/6 months) and a transfer to it($100 000). Really rich people have mind blank clones ready in hibernation…