Ricardo class

This lumbering starship is an interstellar carrier vessel for smaller (but still substantial) cargo lighters or barges.

In LASH operations The carrier is intended for use by transport lines serving highly developed star systems, as the spaceship’s stardrives requires it to appear out of hyperspace at a considerable distance from a destination world.

After arriving in a system, the freight carrier doesn’t bother to head for the planet, instead the lighters(usually thunderbirds) take of towards the target planet and the a new batch of thunderbirds docks with it for next transit, This saves a lot of the turnaround time for the ship. LASH stands for Lighter Aboard Ship.

When used as interstellar tug it operates normally, either singly or in groups.

The Ricardo is built on an SM +10 hull massing 100,000 tons and measuring about 200 meters long.

Old tender, originally meant to carry battle riders, but used as tug and heavy freight carrier. Carries 30 000 ton external load at 2 pc/day and 70 000 ton load at 1 pc/day

Front Hull System

Central Hull System

Rear Hull System

TL Spacecraft dHPHnd/SR HT Move LWt. Load SM Occ dDRSpd CostProd/InvNotes
10 Ricardo-Class 150(100) -2/5 13 2g10,000 200 +10 36ASV 15 2x $951M0/92k