Table of Contents
Character special background
This is the main thing that sets you apart from common rangers.
You can take up to 10 less points in stats and advantages here and leave those points to Basic skills/background if you wish.
If you have an enhanced(350 point) basic training then just select Training/Experience packages
For others select either: (all are 300 points total)
Important background
- Important background These are 300 point packages that give interesting and powerful abilities.
- From Haraza -Your home world had a full global nuclear war a long time ago, and you are not quite human after the mutations.
- From Elvenhome - You are from the planet Elvenhome. A place where the population tries to resemble “elves” from prehistoric tales.
- Special forces background - You served 20 years (“20 year man”) in one of the imperial special forces units before joining rangers.
- Noble - You are a very minor member of a major house, a major member of a lesser house or a direct descendant of a minor house.
- Ninjutsu clan - You are from a ancient clan, claiming to honor old traditions from the human home world “The way of the ninja” or “Ninjutsu”
- Asari - You are a Asari, but on a military exchange program to the human forces.
- Technomage - Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. You live with that technology.
- Mystic Knight - You belong to an order that kept the secrets of the Mystics Knights of the Federation alive.
- Superior - This is a “general great improvement” lens on the base training package, which increases the overall competence of the template a lot without changing its flavor.
- Edge These are less powerful and character defining than the important backgrounds being only 150 points but in addition you get 150 points in Training/Experience packages.
- Psionic - You can do things with your mind that others cannot.
- Bionics - While not rich, you have an extensive collection of cybernetic implants
- Rich -While not truly rich as the nobles, you are certainly richer than those who are merely well to do.
- Educated - You have had extensive schooling, likely something like an advanced university degree.
- Fast Guy - You’re what most people think of as a “martial artist”: lean, agile, and lethally skilled at unarmed combat.
- Big Guy - You’re a master of barehanded combat and favor physical strength and grit over acrobatics.
- Homo superior - You are a “new human”, result of a mutation or deliberate genetic tinkering to create a better human.
- Veteran Ranger - You have been in the service for a long time, heck, back when you were an old hat, you trained newbies that are now considered old hats.
- Immortal - You are immortal, aged more than 1000 years and mildly psionic.
- Other service background - You served 20 years (“20 year man”) in one of the other imperial services before joining rangers.
- Salarian Lystheni - You Salarian Lystheni. A offshot that is not welcome in the Salarian worlds and have chosen to be in the Empire.
- Enhanced - This is a “general improvement” lens on the base training package, which increases the overall competence of the template without changing its flavor.
- Hard to kill - You are just very hard to kill permanently.
- Renaissance Man - Your capabilities are at the upper end of the normal human spectrum, or a little past it.
- Tough to Take Out - You are one tough son of a bitch, being really hard to take out most of the ways.
- Bionically enchanced - You have been engineered to be better than normal humans. This is a combination of generic engineering,training and implants.
- Genie(Genetically engineered), these are the case where you have been generically changed, most of them are even less powerful than Edges. These are two classes:
- The low power backgrounds give you the generic modification an Edge and less other training
- The high power backgrounds give you the generic modification and more other training
- Note that some of the options in edges and important backgrounds also contain genetic manipulation.
- 1-3 Important backgrounds
- From Haraza
- From Elvenhome
- Special forces background
- Noble
- Ninjutsu clan
- Asari
- Technomage
- Mystic Knight
- Superior
- 4-5 Edges
- Psionic
- Bionics
- Rich
- Educated
- Fast Guy
- Big Guy
- Homo superior
- Veteran Ranger
- Immortal
- Other service background
- Salarian Lystheni
- Hard to kill
- Renaissance man
- Bioenchanced
- 6:Genie:
- 1-3 Genetic upgrades
- Alpha
- Omega
- Heavy Worlder
- Ishtar
- Siduri
- Light Worlder
- Orion
- 4-6 Pantropic/Homo superior parahumans
- Brownie
- Diana
- Artemis
- Athena
- Avatar
- Gilgamesh
- Ladon
- Guardian
- Guardian Warrior
- Pandora
- Prometheus
- Tiresia
- Drylander
- Selkie
- Spacer
- Brownie
- Diana
- Avatar
Training/Experience packages. For random background roll until not enough points for the rolled package.
- list
- Bounty Hunter(63/73)
- Con Man(40/53)
- Detective (66)
- Doctor(65)
- Explorer(50/70)
- Merchant(65/70/80)
- list
- Scientist(50/60)
- Secret Agent(51)
- Security Officer(68)
- Soldier(40/54/60/65/70)
- Space Worker(50)
- Technician (45)
- list
- Thief(45)
- Academician(45)
- Athlete (35)
- Attorney(54)
- Belter(45)
- Bureaucrat(45)
- list
- Capitalist(65)
- Colonist(40)
- Dilettante(100)
- Diplomat(60)
- Entertainer(40)
- Journalist(60)
- list
- Policeman(65)
- Politician(55)
- Rogue(60)
- Scientist(50)
- Spy(55)
- Starship Bridge Officer(50)/Fighter Jock(70)
- list
- Starship Commander(70)
- Starship Deckhand(50)
- Starship Engineer(50)
- reroll the list
- reroll the list
- reroll the list
starrangers/character_special_background.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 by