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Style training

You can normally only know one ranged and one melee style.

The styles give access to great many useful techniques and perks, but someone who is fighting you can try to recognize your style as evaluation and get +1 to his or her defenses against your attacks.

Each style package is 25 points.

Each style is one perk for the style[1] and two points in each of the skills listed under skills. That cost is given in the title. Remaining points to 25 should go to the perks and techniques.

If your style base cost is <10, you can, if you wish not use all points in style, leaving 10-style cost for use in skills/background.

Optional traits: If you wish you can take some or all of the optional disadvantages and use the points from them on the optional traits.

note that you can also later use up to 5 points from the Basic skills/background in the optional traits if you have a combat style.

Note that you can replace the base weapon skills with equivalent, like guns(rifle) could be replaced with beam weapons(rifle) if you wish.

Ranged styles


Our suits give us better eyes, better ears, stronger backs (to
carry heavier weapons and more ammo), better legs, more intelligence (“intelligence” in the military meaning; a man in a suit
can be just as stupid as anybody else only he had better not be),
more firepower, greater endurance, less vulnerability.
  – Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

This style is optimized for shooters wearing powered armor. Its shooting skills favor heavier weapons, to effectively combat similarly armored opponents and to make the most of a battlesuit’s increased ST.

Close-Quarters Battle is essential for fire on the move.

Comms Multitasking (Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100, p.15) is useful especially for officers and NCOs to monitor communications with their units. Targeted Attack is particularly effective to deal with weak points (p. B400) in the battlesuits of the opposition.

Equipment Bond is a common perk to model a suit being perfectly adjusted to the wearer. Military-trained shooters often have Battle Drills and Standard Operating Procedure. For a more cinematic style, see Battledress Training (Martial Arts 2100, p. 23).

Skills: Four of Artillery (Guided Missile), Gunner (any), or Guns (LAW, LMG, Rifle, or SMG); Battlesuit; Electronics Operations (Comm).

Techniques: Close-Quarters Battle (any); Comms Multitasking; Corner-Shot (any; p.11); Fast-Firing (any); Immediate Action (any); Quick-Shot (any); Targeted Attack (any); Zero-G Shooting (p. 11).

Perks: Battle Drills; Cool Under Fire; Equipment Bond; Off-Hand Weapon Training (any); Quick Reload (any); Standard Operating Procedure (any); Trademark Move; Weapon Bond.

Optional Traits

Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed.

Advantages:Combat Reflexes; Fearlessness; Signature Gear.

Disadvantages: Overconfidence.

Skills: Armoury (Battlesuits, Heavy Weapons, or Small Arms); Beam Weapons (Rifle); Connoisseur (Guns); Electronics Operation (Sensors); Fast-Draw (any); Forced Entry; Forward Observer; Free Fall; Guns (any); Liquid Projector (Flame -thrower); Soldier; Spacer; Tactics; Throwing; any primary skill not learned initially.

Techniques: Corner-Shot (any).

Perks: Armorer’s Gift (any); Cross-Trained (any); Early Adopter (any); Tap-Rack-Bang (any)


Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check
it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry
half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phaseplasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We
got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks . . .
   – Private First Class William Hudson, in Aliens

The Space Marine shooting style is a higher TL equivalent of the Assaulter style modified for the many operation scenarios that tomorrow’s spaceborne naval assault forces face. In addition to a variety of gunrelated skills, the style emphasizes combat and survival in and around spacecraft, requiring Free Fall and Vacc Suit.

Boarding operations require fire on the move at close distance, making the Close-Quarters Battle technique especially important. Zero-G Shooting allows effective combat in low gravity. Targeted Attack is common – the skull hit location is typical, but depending on the opponents it may also include specific body parts of xenomorphs or known weak spots in body armor or battlesuits (p. B400). Comms Multitasking is common with officers and NCOs.

Battle Drills and Standard Operating Procedure are standard perks for military shooters. Off-Hand Weapon Training and Quick Reload are popular secondary choices. Barricade Tactics may be less common due to technical advances (p. 8), while Weapon Bond will be more common (p.7).

Most marine units still teach bayonet fighting (Martial Arts,p. 197); boarding units may even use cutlasses or similar fighting blades. In addition to this shooting style, space marines also train in unarmed combat, such as MCMAP (Martial Arts, pp. 183-184) or Freefighting (Martial Arts, p.210), if mainly to stay physically fit.

Skills: Four of Fast-Draw (Ammo), Gunner (MG), or Guns (LAW, LMG, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, or SMG); Electronics Operation (Comm); Free Fall; Vacc Suit.

Techniques: Close-Quarters Battle (any); Comms Multitasking; Corner-Shot (any); Fast-Firing (any); Immediate Action (any); Quick-Shot (any); Precision Aiming (any); Targeted Attack (any); Zero-G Shooting.

Perks: Barricade Tactics; Battle Drills; Cool Under Fire; Grip Mastery (any); Lightning Fingers (any); Motorized Training (any); Off-Hand Weapon Training (any); Quick Reload (any); Standard Operating Procedure (any); Sure-Footed (any); Trademark Move; Weapon Bond.

Optional Traits

Secondary Characteristics:Improved Basic Speed and Per.

Advantages: Acute Vision; Combat Reflexes; Danger Sense; Fearlessness; Fit; Signature Gear.

Disadvantages: Hard of Hearing; Overconfidence.

Skills: Armoury (Body Armor or Small Arms); Artillery (Guided Missile); Beam Weapons (Rifle); Carousing; Connoisseur (Guns); Electronics Operation (Security or Sensor); Forced Entry; Forward Observer; Gunner (any); Guns (any); Liquid Projector (Flamethrower); Soldier; Spacer; Spear; Stealth; Sword; Tactics; Throwing; any primary skill not learned initially.

Techniques: Work by Touch (Armoury).

Perks: Armorer’s Gift (any); Cross-Trained (any); Early Adopter (any); Green Eyes; Tap-Rack-Bang (any); Tracer Eyes.


The Firearms Training Unit teaches newagents tohandle
Bureau-issuedhandguns, shotguns, andcarbines.
–JulieLinkins, “FBIAcademy”(1997)

The Assaulter style covers the use of the entire range of handheld offensive smallarms in a fluid firefight.It’s primarily taught to infantry, special warfare units, and police SWAT teams. Stylistsconcentrateonlongarmsskillsandthe techniquestoemploythem.

Assaulter stylists are proficient in a number of Guns specialties, with Rifle or SMG almost always being the primary one. Handgun instruction is often included, as a backup to the longarms. Depending on instructor and time frame, the style may feature elements of Point-Shooting or Modern Pistol. The student learns how to immediately transition to a sidearm in case the longarm runs dry or malfunctions.

One of its most important techniques is Close-Quarters Battle, which allows efficient fire on the move at short ranges.

Quick-Shot is also common, for engaging multiple opponents.

Stylists usually fire at the torso, but those trained in hostage rescue often learn Targeted Attack. Masked Shooting allows effective fire while wearing a gas mask. Most assaulters operate in teams, which makes Battle Drills common. Special-ops troops often have Cross-Trained.

Skills: Five of Fast-Draw(Ammo, Pistol, or Long Arm) or Guns(Grenade Launcher,LMG,Pistol,Rifle,Shotgun,or SMG).

Techniques: Close-Quarters Battle(any); Fast-Firing(any); Immediate Action(any); Masked Shooting(any); Quick-Shot (any); Retain Weapon(any); Targeted Attack(any).

Perks: Armorer’s Gift (any); Barricade Tactics(any); Battle Drills; Cool Under Fire; Cross-Trained(any); Green Eyes; Grip Mastery (any); Intuitive Armorer (any); Lightning Fingers (any); Motorized Training(any); Off-Hand Weapon Training (any); Quick Reload (any); Standard Operating Procedure (any); Sure-Footed(any); Tap-Rack-Bang (any); Trademark Move; Weapon Bond.

Optional Traits

SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedBasicSpeedandPer.

Advantages: AcuteVision; CombatReflexes; DangerSense; Fearlessness; Fit; NightVision; SignatureGear.

Disadvantages: Chummy; Hardof Hearing; Impulsiveness; Overconfidence.

Skills: Armoury (Small Arms); Axe/Mace; Connoisseur (Guns); ForcedEntry; Gunner(MG); Guns(LAW); Intimidation;Shield;Soldier;Spear;Stealth;Tactics;Throwing;anyprimaryskillnotlearnedinitially.

Techniques: Close-Hip Shooting (any); Double-Loading; WorkbyTouch.

Perks: EarlyAdopter(any); TracerEyes.


... a pretty quick hit was better than a lightning-fast miss.
–JackWeaver, “HistoryoftheWeaverStance”(2003)

TheModernPistol styleoriginatedinthe1960sand1970s fromagroupof Americanhandgunshooters, chief among themJeff Cooper, aformerMarinelieutenant colonel. It was named“modern”incontrastwithexisting, one-handedmethods–from19th-century“targetshooting”toearly20th-century Point-Shootingstyles(p. 49-51). TheModernPistol styleusesatwo-handedstance(p. 11-12) at all ranges, rather thanjust for long-distance shots. Instructors originally favored the asymmetric “Weaver stance,”butsincethe1990s, manyhavereplaceditwiththe moreflexibleandnatural “Isoscelesstance.”ModernPistol stylistsalwaysshoot withthesights(p. 13)–at least witha wobbly“flashsightpicture.” ModernPistolshootersusuallyfireatthecenterofmass,as it’seasilytargetedand(inreal life)maydamagethevitalsby chance; usetheadvancedwoundingrulesonp. 162of HighTechtoreflectthis. StudentsarealsotaughtTargetedAttacks, typicallytothevitals andskull; someinstructors favor the pelvic shot (p. 15). Some ModernPistol schools teachthe Mozambiquedrill (pp. 15-16), whichworksbest withQuickShot(Pistol)andTargetedAttack(Pistol/Skull). Sinceastylist drawshispistol withonehandbut gripsit withtwo, astudentcantakeGripMastery(Pistol)assoonas hebuystheStyleFamiliarityandGuns(Pistol)–insteadofhavingtofirstspend10pointsonthestyle.Thisdoesn’tchangethe limitonhowmanyperkshecanlearn(p. 37). Trainingfocusesonpresentingandreloadingthepistol as fast aspossible; QuickReloadiscommon. Manystylistsalso learnImmediateActionandTap-RackBang, toquicklyget a malfunctioning weaponback intoaction. ConcealedCarry Permitistypicalforcivilians. In recent years, the previously well-entrenched lines betweenPoint-ShootingandModernPistol havebecomepermeable.SomeModernPistolinstructorshaveadoptedinstinctive, unsightedshootingandemergencyone-handedmethods likeBehind-the-BackShotandClose-HipShooting–butonly assecondarytrainingforclose-quarterssituations.


Techniques: Close-QuartersBattle(Pistol); Fast-Firing(Pistol); Immediate Action(Pistol); Quick-Shot (Pistol); Retain Weapon(Pistol); TargetedAttack(Pistol/SkullorVitals).

Perks: Armorer’s Gift (Pistol); Barricade Tactics (Pistol); BattleDrills; ConcealedCarryPermit; CoolUnderFire; CrossTrained (Pistol); Grip Mastery (Pistol); Intuitive Armorer (weapon);LightningFingers(Pistol);Off-HandWeaponTraining(Pistol);One-HandDrills(Pistol);StandardOperatingProcedure(CleaningBug); Sure-Footed(SandorUneven); Quick Reload(DetachableMagazineor Swing-Out Revolver); TapRack-Bang(Pistol); TrademarkMove; WeaponBond.

Optional Traits

SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedBasicSpeedandPer.

Advantages: AcuteVision; CombatReflexes; DangerSense; NightVision; SignatureGear.

Disadvantages: HardofHearing; Overconfidence.

Skills: Armoury (Small Arms); Connoisseur (Guns); Holdout; Stealth; Tactics.

Techniques: Behind-the-Back Shot (Pistol); Close-Hip Shooting(Pistol); MaskedShooting(Pistol); TargetedAttack (Pistol/Pelvis).

Perks: Early Adopter (Pistols); Fastest Guninthe West; GreenEyes; MotorizedTraining(Pistol); StandardOperating Procedure(any); Supplier(any)


We were not taught to hold the gun out at arm’s length or with
two hands but to draw the gun and hold it tucked into your navel
with the gun pointing straight ahead so that wherever you looked
your gun moved round toward the target you were looking at.So
you... drew your gun straight into your navel, pom, pom, the
chap was dead...
  –Ronald “Henry” Hall, “Memories on His and Her Majesty’s Service”(2004)

Point-Shootingteachesashootertofirehisweapon(usuallya handgun)bypointingitinstinctivelyatthetarget,ratherthanby “properly”aiming. Outsideofconventional militaryoperations, mostgunfightsoccuratlessthan10yards,andoftenbelowthree yards(HandgunRanges, pp. 9-10). Takingthetimetoproperly sight isn’t feasibleat suchdistances, especiallyif theweapon mustfirstbedrawnfromaholsterandtheopponentisclosing in. Unfavorable(buttypical)conditions, suchasbadlighting, a movingandshootingopponent, andotherdistractions, make sightedshootingevenmoredifficultinactualcombat. Many successful 19th-century gunfighters and duelists usedthis style, despite conventional wisdomat the time beingtoonlyfiredeliberateshotswithanoutstretchedarm. SomecavalryunitsalsotrainedinPoint-Shooting, sinceridingahorsemadeaimingdifficult. Bytheearly20thcentury, progressive-minded firearms instructors, such as William Fairbairn of the Shanghai Municipal Police, developed coursesthattaughtstudentshowtoshootunderadverseconditions. SeeMartial Arts: FairbairnCloseCombatSystems formuchmoreonFairbairn, theSMP, andtheAlliedagents andcommandosheandEricSykestrainedinWWII. After thewar, Point-Shootingwasquicklyforgotten, exceptbyspecialists liketheBritishSAS(Special Ops, pp. 42-43), who favoredituntil the1980s. Point-Shootingpreparesagunmanforcombatatshortdistances–about10yardsorless.Forlongershots,atwo-handed stance(p.11-12)andaimedshooting(p.13)aremoreeffective, thoughseldomtrainedmuch. Astylist is adept at quickly drawing andreadying his weaponfromaholster, andistrainedtouseone-handedand hip-shootingstances(p. 11). Hewill primarilyuseunsighted shooting(p.13),whichgiveshimanedgeinWhoDrawsFirst? (p. 10) contestsandinclosecombat (pp. 25-26). Instructors teachanexaggerated“combat crouch” –ahunchedposture whichreducestheshooter’ssilhouette. Thisismodeledbythe abilitytododge(p.17),possibleonlywithunsightedshooting.

Point-Shootingdoesn’t botherwithTargetedAttacks–the styleisall aboutspeed, nothitlocation. Shootersusuallyfire atthetorso, asit’seasiesttohitand(inreal life)maydamage the vitals bychance; use the advancedwoundingrules on p.162ofHigh-Techtoreflectthis. After abrief peakduringthe mid20thcentury, PointShootinghasbecomerare, havingbeenall butovertakenby ModernPistolstyles(p.48).Thisismainlyduetothesuccess ofthetwo-handedshootingstance, whichallowsbettercontrol overthehandgun. Thoughslowertoassumethanaonehanded position, its stability makes all shooting more accurate, aimedornot. ModernPistol isalsopreferredbymanyorganizationsfor itsemphasisonsafety. Point-Shootinginsistsonhavingyour fingeronthetriggeratall times, whileModernPistol keepsit outsidethetrigger guarduntil you’reabout toshoot. While experiencedshootershavebeenawareof thisrulesincethe 19thcentury, makingitapartofbasichandguntraininghelps preventthekindof(all-too-common)negligentdischargethat endangersinnocentbystandersoreventheshooterhimself. AlthoughPoint-Shootingisprimarilyintendedforusewith handguns, it’salsotaughtforlongarmsincludingSMGs, carbines, andshotguns.

Skills: Fast-Draw (Ammo); Fast-Draw(Pistol);Guns(Pistol).

Techniques: Behind-theBack Shot (Pistol); CloseHip Shooting (Pistol); Close-Quarters Battle(Pistol); Fast-Firing (Pistol); ImmediateAction(Pistol); Quick-Shot (Pistol); Retain Weapon (Pistol); Thumbing(Pistol).

Perks: Concealed Carry Permit; Cool Under Fire; Cross-Trained(Pistol); Double-Loading; FastestGunin theWest (Pistol); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Pistol); QuickReload(any); StandardOperatingProcedure (Cleaning Bug); SureFooted(Sandor Uneven); Tap-Rack-Bang (Pistol); Tracer Eyes; Trademark Move; WeaponBond.

Optional Traits

SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedBasicSpeedandPer.

Advantages: AcuteVision; CombatReflexes; DangerSense; NightVision; SignatureGear.

Disadvantages: HardofHearing; Overconfidence.

Skills: Acrobatics; Armoury (Small Arms); Broadsword; Connoisseur (Guns); Guns (any); Holdout; Shield; Soldier; Stealth; Tactics.

Techniques: Cavalry Training (any); Close-Hip Shooting (any); Close-Quarters Battle (any); Combat Riding(Horse); Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol); Fanning (Pistol); Fast-Firing (any); Immediate Action (any); Masked Shooting (any); MountedShooting(Horse/Pistol); Quick-Shot(any).

Perks: BarricadeTactics(any); BattleDrills; Cross-Trained (any); EarlyAdopter (any); GreenEyes; GunShtick(Twirl); IntuitiveArmorer (any); LightningFingers (any); Motorized Training (any); Quick-Swap (Pistol); Standard Operating Procedure(any); Supplier(any)


Myrifleismybestfriend. Itismylife. ImustmasteritasI mustmastermylife. –WilliamRupertus, “MyRifle: CreedofaU.S. Marine”(1941) Riflemanisforthoseshooterswhorelyentirelyoratleast mostlyonanordinaryrifle. It’stypical of, but not exclusive to, TL5-6infantrytroopspriortothewideadoptionofautomaticweapons. Stylistsareexpertsatgettingthemostoutof bare-bonesequipment. Whilemanywill beadept at usinga slingtocarryandbracetherifle(p. 12), theyseldomuse sophisticatedtargeting equipment or “tactical” gear, often duetolimitedmeans. Asasideeffect, stylistsusuallyhave highGunsskill; if youcan’t affordtowastecartridges, you learntomakeeachshotcount. Astylistwill oftenhaveTargetedAttacktoensureone-shot kills. Relatedskills suchas Guns (Grenade Launcher) and Spearmayalsobepartofthetraining Skills: Fast-Draw(Ammo); Guns(Rifle). Techniques: Fast-Firing(Rifle); Immediate Action(Rifle); MaskedShooting(Rifle); Quick-Shot (Rifle); TargetedAttack (Rifle/SkullorVitals). Perks:Armorer’sGift(Rifle);BattleDrills;CoolUnderFire; Cross-Trained(Rifle);GripMastery(Rifle);LightningFingers (Rifle); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Rifle); Quick Reload (any); Standard Operating Procedure (any); Sure-Footed (any); Tap-Rack-Bang(Rifle); TracerEyes; TrademarkMove; WeaponBond. Optional Traits SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedBasicSpeedandPer. Advantages: AcuteVision; CombatReflexes; DangerSense; NightVision; SignatureGear. Disadvantages: HardofHearing. Skills:Armoury(SmallArms);BreathControl;Connoisseur (Guns); Fast-Draw(any); Guns(any); Soldier; Spear; Stealth; Tactics; Throwing. Techniques: Cavalry Training (any); Close-Hip Shooting (Rifle); Close-Quarters Battle (Rifle); Combat Riding (any); MountedShooting(any/Rifle);PrecisionAiming(Rifle);Retain Weapon(Rifle). Perks: Barricade Tactics (Rifle); Deadeye; Early Adopter (Rifles); GreenEyes; MotorizedTraining(Rifle); Quick-Sheathe (LongArm);Supplier(any).


Hisjobistodeliverdiscriminatoryhighlyaccurateriflefire against enemytargets, whichcannot beengagedsuccessfully bytheriflemanbecauseofrange,size,location,fleetingnature, orvisibility. –U.S. ArmyHeadquarters, FM23-10SniperTraining(1994) Sniper, sharpshooter, precision marksman – the Sharpshooterstylecovershighlytrainedriflemenwhoshoot fromhiddenpositionsoverlongdistancesat high-valuetargets. Thetermdatesbacktothespecializedriflemenof the late18thcentury, butthisstyleisspecificallyforelitemarksmenusingprecisionrifleswithoptical sights. Thefirstsuch shootistsappearedinthelate19thcentury, duringconflicts suchastheAmericanCivilWar,butthearttrulycameintoits ownduringWWI. Astylistisoftenasmuchofareconnaissanceassetasheis ashooter. Hisabilitytoapproachanddepart unseenallows himtogather intelligence–tobeeither passedbacktohis superiorsorusedtosetupaperfectshot. For a military sniper, the most important technique is PrecisionAiming(p. 45). Hewill almost alwaysfireat ranges from300to2,000yards–usuallyattheeasiesthitlocation:the torso. For apoliceor hostagerescuesharpshooter, Precision Aimingislessimportant,asmostofhisengagementstakeplace within 100 yards. Instead, the marksman will emphasize TargetedAttack(Rifle/Skull),asheneedstomakeabsolutelycertainthatthetargetcan’tposeadangertoinnocentsaftertheshot isfired. ManysharpshootershaveDeadeye. WeaponBondcanrepresentariflemodifiedtoperfectlyfittheshooter(p.69).Some modernsnipers, especiallythosewhomust shoot fromhelicopters, haveMotorizedTraining. Sharpshooterstylistsusuallyhavetopasshigherqualifications thanother shooters. Inaddition, sometraits arerare amongmilitaryorpolicesnipersduetotheirpotentialliability, including Addiction(Tobacco), correctable BadSight, and even left-handedness! Many sniper rifles are bolt-action designsonlyavailableforrighties; foraleftie, suchaweapon requiresaReadymaneuverbetweeneachshot. Stylistsusuallyworkinpairs–oneactingasshooter, the otherasspotter(seeSpottersandObservers, p. 27). Bothare fullyqualifiedsharpshooters. Theyexchangeplaces tokeep bothalert; peekingthroughscopesisquitetiring(seeHarsh RealismforTactical Shooters, p. 32) Skills: Camouflage; Guns(Rifle); Observation; Stealth. Techniques: Immediate Action (Rifle); Precision Aiming (Rifle); TargetedAttack(Rifle/SkullorVitals). Perks: Armorer’sGift(Rifle); Cross-Trained(Rifle); Deadeye; EarlyAdopter(Rifles); IntuitiveArmorer(weapon); Motorized Training(Rifle);StandardOperatingProcedure(CleaningBug); Supplier(any);TracerEyes;TrademarkMove;WeaponBond. Optional Traits SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedPer. Advantages: AcuteHearing; AcuteVision; Combat Reflexes; DangerSense;Fit;NightVision;SignatureGear;Single-Minded. Disadvantages: Callous; Loner. Skills:Armoury(SmallArms);BreathControl;Cartography; Connoisseur(Guns); Fast-Draw(Ammoor LongArm); Guns (any); Intelligence Analysis; Navigation (Land); Soldier; Survival(any); Tactics; Throwing; Tracking. Techniques: MaskedShooting(Rifle). Perks:BattleDrills;CoolUnderFire;GreenEyes;Lightning Fingers (Rifle); Standard Operating Procedure (any); TapRack-Bang(Rifle).


Theshotgunisbestsuitedforclose-range,short-durationconflictsthatdonotrequireagreatdeal offirepower. . . orextreme penetration. Theforgivingnatureof itsammunitionmakesthe shotgunparticularlyusefulforlow-lightencountersorsituations wheretheantagonistsaremovingquickly. Additionally, it isan easyweapontolearn,anditsmanualofarmsisuncomplicated. –Gabriel Suarez, TheTacticalShotgun(1996) Theshotgunisnotanidealcombatweaponforavarietyof reasons,butit’swidelyavailableandcanbeemployedsuccessfullyinagunfight. Atactical shotgunnerwill bethoroughly trainedinexploitingtheweapon’sinherentadvantages, andin workingarounditsdownsides. Ashotgunnerknowswhentousewhichammunition,from buckshot forclose-quarterscombat toslugsforfairlyprecise medium-rangeshots. Heknowswhat patternashotloadwill throwfromhis particular gun, andwhichshot size(HighTech, p. 173) toselect dependingontheintendedtarget and circumstances. ThisisallpartofGuns(Shotgun)(p. 42). Quick-Shot (Shotgun) ispopular, especiallyamongaccomplishedhuntersandskeetshooters.ManylearnDouble-Loading, whichworks not onlyfor double-barreledguns, but alsofor shotgunswithintegral tubemagazines–yousimplystacktwo shellsfront-to-backandslidethemin. Shotgunnerstrainedin doorbreaching(p.24)willhavetheForcedEntryskill. Skills: Fast-Draw(Ammo); Guns(Shotgun). Techniques: Close-HipShooting(Shotgun); Close-Quarters Battle (Shotgun); Double-Loading; Fast-Firing (Shotgun); Immediate Action(Shotgun); Quick-Shot (Shotgun); Retain Weapon(Shotgun). Perks: Armorer’s Gift (Shotgun); Cool Under Fire; CrossTrained(Shotgun);GripMastery(Shotgun);LightningFingers (Shotgun); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Shotgun); Quick Reload(Breechloader, DetachableMagazine, orInternal Magazine); StandardOperatingProcedure(CleaningBug); SureFooted (any); Tap-Rack-Bang (Shotgun); Trademark Move; WeaponBond. Optional Traits SecondaryCharacteristics: ImprovedBasicSpeedandPer. Advantages: AcuteVision; CombatReflexes; DangerSense; NightVision; SignatureGear. Disadvantages: BadSight; Bully; HardofHearing. Skills: Armoury(Small Arms); Connoisseur (Guns); FastDraw(LongArm); ForcedEntry; Guns (any); Intimidation; Soldier; Spear; Stealth; Tactics, Throwing. Techniques: MaskedShooting(Shotgun). Perks: Barricade Tactics (Shotgun); Early Adopter (Shotguns);MotorizedTraining(Shotgun);SkipShot(Shotgun); StandardOperatingProcedure(any);Supplier(any)

Melee styles

Any of the melee styles in Martial arts. Note that the base cost is (cost given there)*2-1.

Good options are the military styles, judo based skills and some of the fictional styles.

Parkour 9

  • Skills: Acrobatics; Climbing; Jumping; Running.
  • Techniques: Acrobatic Stand; Breakfall (Acrobatics or Jumping); Dive n' Roll; Evade; Rappelling; Rope Up; Running Climb; Scaling; Skidding; Sliding; Spinning.
  • Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap; Immovable Stance; Light Walk; Lizard Climb.
  • Cinematic Techniques: Roll with Blow.
  • Perks: Compact Frame; Special Exercises (Arm ST 1 or 2); Special Exercises (Basic Move can exceed Basic Speed by 4); Sure-Footed (Sand, Slippery, or Uneven); Sure-Handed (Crumbly or Slippery); Urban Jungle Gym.

Optional Traits

  • Secondary Characteristics: Improved HT, Per, and Basic Move.
  • Advantages: Daredevil; Enhanced Dodge 1; Flexibility; Perfect Balance.
  • Disadvantages: Overconfidence.
  • Skills: Area Knowledge; Dancing; Escape; Forced Entry; Judo; Karate; Lifting; Stealth; Streetwise; Urban Survival.
  • Techniques: Feint (Acrobatics); Flying Jump Kick; Jump Kick.
  • Perks: Acrobatic Feints; Acrobatic Kicks.
starrangers/style_training.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 by