Ultimate Action Hero
500 points
You’re an all-around capable guy – a Delta Force commando, super-spy, or other self-reliant type. You could probably tackle most situations alone, though like any competent operator, you prefer to have backup.
Attributes:ST 11 [10]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 13 [30].
Secondary Characteristics:Per 14 [5]
30 points chosen from among Daredevil [15], Luck (any level) [15, 30, or 60].
Another 75 points chosen from among:
- More points to buying higher luck.
- ST +1 to +4 [10/level]
- HT +1 to +4 [10/level]
- DX +1 or +2 [20 or 40]
- IQ +1 or +2 [20 or 40]
- HP +1 to +3 [2/level]
- Will +1 to +7 [5/level]
- Per +1 to +7 [5/level]
- FP +1 to +4 [3/level]
- Basic Speed +1.00 or +2.00 [20 or 40]
- Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5],
- Absolute Timing [2]
- Acute Senses (any) +1 to +4 [2/level]
- Ambidexterity [5]
- Appearance (Attractive, Handsome, or Very Handsome) [4, 12, or 16]
- Catfall [10]
- Charisma 1-6 [5/level]
- Combat Reflexes [15]
- Contact Group (Any; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; SomewhatReliable) [5, 10, or 15]
- Craftiness 1-4 [5/level]
- Cultural Familiarity [1/culture] or Cultural Adaptability [10]
- Dabbler (p.6) [1]
- Danger Sense [15]
- DR 1 or 2 (Limited,Crushing, -40%) [3 or 6]
- Driver’s Reflexes 1-4 [5/level]
- Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level]
- Enhanced Parry 1-3 (BareHands or One melee weapon) [5/level] or (All) [10/level]
- Extra Attack 1 [25]
- Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable[15]
- Fit [5] or Very Fit [15]
- Flexibility [5] or DoubleJointed [15]
- Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo]
- Gun Perks [1/perk]
- Gunslinger [25]
- Hard to Kill +1 to +7[2/level]
- Hard to Subdue +1 to +7[2/level]
- High Manual Dexterity 1-4 [5/level]
- High Pain Threshold[10]
- Honest Face [1]
- Intuition [15]
- Language Talent [10]
- Languages (any) [2-6/language]
- Night Vision 1-9 [1/level]
- Perfect Balance [15]
- Peripheral Vision [15]
- Rapid Healing[5] or Very Rapid Healing [15]
- Recovery [10]
- Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15]
- Smooth Operator 1-3 [15/level]
- Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 10]
- Trained by a Master (Evasion, -50%) [15] or Trained by a Master [30]
- Weapon Bond [1]
- Weapon Master (Weapon of choice or All weapons) [20 or 45]
- and Extra Life [25]
Another 45 points in any of:
- DX or IQ +1 or +2 [20 or 40]
- HT +1 to +4 [10/level]
- HP up to 1.5 * ST [2/level]
- Combat Reflexes [15]
- Dabbler (p. 6) [1]
- Danger Sense [15]
- Daredevil [15]
- Enhanced Dodge 1-3[15/level]
- Hard to Kill [2/level]
- Hard to Subdue [2/level],
- Jack of All Trades 1-3 (p. 6)[10/level]
- Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15]
- Recovery [10]
- Serendipity 1-3[15/level]
- Wild Talent 1 or 2 [20 or 40]
- or improve Luck to Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points or Ridiculous Luck [60] for 45 points.
Disadvantages: Duty rangers(12-)[-10] and -20 points chosen from among:
- Chummy [-5]† or Gregarious [-10]†
- Code of Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5] or (Soldier’s) [-10]‡
- Compulsive Behavior (Thrill-seeking) [-5*],
- Fanaticism (nation, or service) [-15]‡,
- Greed [-15*]‡,
- Honesty [-10*]‡
- Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group)[-5]
- Loner [-5*]†,
- Obsession (With a particular case, criminal score, rival, target, etc.) [-5*]
- Secret (any) [-5 to -20]‡,
- Sense of Duty (Team) [-5] or (Nation) [-10]‡
- Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]‡.
Another -20 points chosen from among:
- Above traits
- Alcoholism [-15]
- Bad Temper [-10*]
- Bloodlust [-10*]
- Callous [-5]
- Charitable [-15*]
- Compulsive Carousing [-5*]
- Curious [-5*]
- Delusions (any minor)[-5]
- Guilt Complex [-5]
- Impulsiveness [-10*]
- Insomniac [-10 or -15]
- Jealousy [-10]
- Lecherousness[-15*]
- Nightmares [-5*]
- No Sense of Humor [-10]
- Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15]
- On the Edge [-15*]
- Overconfidence [-5*]
- Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]
- Paranoia [-10]
- Selfish or Selfless [-5*]
- Stubbornness [-5]
- Trickster [-15*]
- Truthfulness [-5*]
- Vows (any) [-5 to -15]
- Workaholic [-5].
Primary Skills:
- Acrobatics[2]
- Computer Operation[2];
- Driving (Automobile, Heavy Wheeled,or Motorcycle)[2];
- Fast-Draw (Ammo, Knife, or Pistol)[1];
- Forced Entry[1];
- Guns(Pistol)[4];
- Holdout[4];
- Jumping[1]
- Knife[1]
- Stealth[2];
- Tactics[2]
- One of Brawling[4], Boxing [4], or Karate[4]
- Either Wrestling[4] or Judo[4]
Total of Twelve 10-point specialty packages. Each can be picked 1-4 times. You must pick one of them minimum of 4 times for core competence and one other a minimum of 2 times.
- Armed Melee: 10 points chosen at 2-4 points/skill from among Axe/Mace, Broad sword, Cloak, Jitte/Sai, Main-Gauche, Parry Missile Weapons, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, Spear, Staff, Tonfa, Two-Handed Sword, Whip, Flail, Kusari, or Two-Handed Flail and armed or unarmed perks or techniques from Furious Fists,pp. 15-19.
- Assassination:
- Camouflage[1]; Poisons[2]; and Shadowing[2]. • Stealth[2]
- Three of Guns (Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun), Beam weapons(any) or Crossbow, Garrote, or Liquid Projector (Squirt Gun), all[1].
- Cleaning: Camouflage[1]; Chemistry[2]; Forensics[4]; Housekeeping[1]; and Smuggling [2]
- Demolitions:
- Engineer (Combat)[4]
- Any three of Explosives (Demolition, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Fireworks, Nuclear Ordnance Disposal, or Underwater Demolition) or Traps[2]
- Electronics:
- Five of Electrician, Electronics Operation (any), Electronics Repair (any), Photography, or Traps, all[2].
- Add Circuit Sense 1-4 [5/level] to advantage options.
- Firearms:
- Armoury (Heavy Weapons or Small Arms)[1]
- One of Guns (Light Machine Gun, Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun) or Beam weapons(any) [4]
- five of Guns (Light Machine Gun, Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun)[1]; Beam weapons(any), or Fast-Draw (Ammo, Long Arm, or Pistol), Gunner (any), Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), or Liquid Projector (Flame throweror Sprayer)[1].
- Hacking:
- Computer Hacking[4]; Computer Programming[4]; Cryptography[2]
- Add Born to Be Wired 1-4 [5/level] to advantage options.
- Infiltration: Climbing[2]; Electronics Operation (Security)[2]; Escape[2]; Lockpicking[2]; and Traps[2].
- Investigation: Intelligence Analysis[4] Criminology[2]; Interrogation[2]; Search[2]
- Medical:
- Diagnosis[2] Pharmacy (Synthetic)[2] Physician[2] Surgery[4]
- Add Healer 1-4[10/level] to advantage options.
- Ninja:
- Four of Fast-Draw (any), Garrote, or Thrown Weapon (Knife orShuriken), [2]; Axe/Mace, Broad -sword, Jitte/Sai, Shortsword, Spear, Staff, Throwing, or Tonfa[2]; Blowpipe, Flail, or Kusari[2]; Poisons[2]; or 2 points to raise one of those skills by one level
- 2 points to raise Stealth to [4].
- Parkour:
- Climbing [2] and Running[2]
- 6 points spent to raise Acrobatics by one level [2/4], to improve Jumping by one level [1/2], and/or to acquire unarmed perks or techniques from Furious Fists,pp. 15-19.
- Social: Five of Savoir-Faire (any) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14; Acting,
Administration, Disguise, Fast-Talk, Gambling, Interrogation, Leadership, Merchant, Propaganda, or Public Speaking, all (A) IQ [2]-13; Diplomacy, Forgery, or Psychology, all (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-14; Sex Appeal (A) HT [2]-13; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-13; Body Language (A) Per [2]-14; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-13.
- Unarmed: 10 points spent to raise primary grappling skill (Judo or Wrestling) by one level [4], to improve primary striking skill (Boxing, Brawling, or Karate) by one level [4], and/or to acquire unarmed perks or techniques from Furious Fists,pp. 15-19
- Vehicles:
- Three of Boating (any), Driving (any), Piloting (any), or Submarine (any), all[2]
- Four of Gunner (Cannon, Machine Gun, or Rockets) Artillery (Bombs, Guided Missile, or Torpedoes), Electronics Operation (Communications or Sensors), Freight Handling, Mechanic (any), or Navigation (any), all[1]
- Add Driver’s Reflexes 1-4 [5/level] to advantage options.
- Space training: Free Fall[4], Spacer[4], Vacc Suit[2]
- Power armor: Power armor[8], Armoury(power armor)[1] Power Armor (any one DX skill) training[1]
Secondary Skills Twenty at [1] of:
- Guns (Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun;
- Beam weapons(any)
- Bicycling
- FastDraw (any)
- Knot-Tying
- Parachuting
- Boating (any)
- Climbing
- Dancing
- Driving(any)
- Filch
- NBC Suit
- Piloting (any)
- Shortsword
- Staff
- Throwing
- Tonfa
- Escape
- Pickpocket
- Sleight of Hand
- Area Knowledge (any)
- Camouflage
- Current Affairs (any)
- First Aid
- Gesture
- Savoir Faire (any)
- Acting
- Administration
- Architecture
- Armoury (any)
- Cartography
- Connoisseur(any)
- Criminology
- Disguise
- Electrician
- Electronics Operation
- Electronics Repair(any)
- Explosives (any)
- Fast-Talk
- Freight Handling
- Hazardous Materials (any)
- Interrogation
- Leadership
- Lockpicking
- Machinist
- Mechanic (any)
- Navigation (any)
- Photography
- Research
- Scuba
- Shadowing
- Smuggling
- Speed-Reading
- Streetwise
- Teaching
- Traps
- Writing
- Carousing
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Lifting
- Running
- Intimidation
- Scrounging
- Body Language
- Lip Reading
- Observation
- Search
- Tracking
- Urban Survival
- Detect Lies
- or 1 point to raise one of those skills by one level