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starrangers:basics_background [2015/06/30 11:22] webystarrangers:basics_background [2018/07/31 23:23] (current) – external edit
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   * Observation, Scrounging, or Search -- Noticing interesting things takes training, and finding clues and useful items is so central to adventures that no PC should lack at least basic training here.   * Observation, Scrounging, or Search -- Noticing interesting things takes training, and finding clues and useful items is so central to adventures that no PC should lack at least basic training here.
   * Savoir-Faire or Streetwise -- Everybody came from somewhere. It's passing annoying when a player just assumes that her PC would "get on with folks in her element" without having any practical social skills to back up the assumption.   * Savoir-Faire or Streetwise -- Everybody came from somewhere. It's passing annoying when a player just assumes that her PC would "get on with folks in her element" without having any practical social skills to back up the assumption.
 ==== Action ==== ==== Action ====
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   * Breath control and autohypnosis: because there is not always time for a relaxed recuperation.    * Breath control and autohypnosis: because there is not always time for a relaxed recuperation. 
   * Assess enemy skills: Tactics,Psychology,Observation,Armoury(body armor), Armoury(force shields),Armoury(small arms), Computer hacking, computer programming -5 or computer use -10,  Naturalist(correct planet type). To be able to assess enemy capabilities.   * Assess enemy skills: Tactics,Psychology,Observation,Armoury(body armor), Armoury(force shields),Armoury(small arms), Computer hacking, computer programming -5 or computer use -10,  Naturalist(correct planet type). To be able to assess enemy capabilities.
-  * Using a Payload or strayer weapon: Buy thechnique to remove the penalty at 2 points/skill.+  * Using a Payload or strayer weapon: Buy technique to remove the penalty at 2 points/skill
 +  * Fast draw(weapon/ammo) -- because spending a turn to get into actio is boring. 
 +  * tactics, soldier -- Basic combat utility skills are useful for almost any character as combat tends to come up fairly often.
 Also note that you rarely need more than one of Vacc suit, NBC Suit and Battlesuit skills, if you have points in more than one you can move them all to the one you use most. The -2 similarity will allow you to use the others if needed at some point. Also note that you rarely need more than one of Vacc suit, NBC Suit and Battlesuit skills, if you have points in more than one you can move them all to the one you use most. The -2 similarity will allow you to use the others if needed at some point.
starrangers/basics_background.1435663375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 (external edit)