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starrangers:character_extra_training [2014/04/08 20:30] – external edit [2018/07/31 23:23] (current) – external edit
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 You have been trained in the use and maintenance of battlesuits. You have been trained in the use and maintenance of battlesuits.
-Battlesuit[12],Camouflage[2], Electronics Operation (any)[2], Forward Observer [1], Gunner (any)[4], Armoury (Battlesuit)[2], Navigation (land)[2]. +Battlesuit[12],Camouflage[1], Electronics Operation (any)[2], Forward Observer [1], Gunner (any)[2], Armoury (Battlesuit)[2], Navigation (land)[1], Battlesuit (one weapon skill) training[4]. 
 ===== Booby Traps ===== ===== Booby Traps =====
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 ===== Fixer ===== ===== Fixer =====
-Your specialty is obtaining gear – any place, any time, any way you can. You might be a former con or revolutionary, or a spy trained at stocking safe houses and equipping Agents in unfriendly territory. Either way, you’re a master of smuggling and shady deals, and aren’t bad at good old-fashioned scrounging. Given the Company’s inability to work openly, this makes you an exceptionally valuable team member.+Your specialty is obtaining gear – any place, any time, any way you can. You might be a former con or revolutionary, or a spy trained at stocking safe houses and equipping Agents in unfriendly territory or just a former logistics worker who is tired of all the rules.. Either way, you’re a master of smuggling and shady deals, and aren’t bad at good old-fashioned scrounging. Given the long time it takes to acquire anything through channels, this makes you an exceptionally valuable team member.
 Perks: Cheaper Gear (any one category of gear) [1]; Gangster Swagger [1].\\ Perks: Cheaper Gear (any one category of gear) [1]; Gangster Swagger [1].\\
starrangers/character_extra_training.1396989006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 (external edit)