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New skills

(Environment Suit) (Skill) Training

Default:Any Environment Suit skill
Prerequisites:Any Environment Suit skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill +4
This technique allows you to increase your effective level in an Environment Suit skill for the purposes of oneDX-based skill. You must choose two things: the Environment Suit skill (Battlesuit, Diving Suit, etc.), and the DX-based skill it applies to. When wearing the appropriate type of suit, use your level in this technique, rather than your level in the Environment Suit skill, to calculate the cap for the relevant skill.

Example:Sergeant Flynn has a Battlesuit skill of 14. However, he has Battlesuit Beam Weapons (Pistol) Training at 16. When wearing a battlesuit, his Beam Weapons (Pistol) skill is capped at 16, not 14.

starrangers/skills.1399022897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 (external edit)