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Character creation

The characters are a special group of rangers, a paramilitary police force, sent on missions that are considered high risk. They are 800 point characters. (typical new rangers might be 250 points and experienced might be 400 points)

They have a Roswell-class ship (best ship available for rangers) assigned to them.


You can Select one of the options below:

  • The the standard character generation path.
  • Select a pre-gen character. The pre-generated Characters have ready backgrounds, suitable skill sets and a reason to tag along despite not being rangers.
  • Chose to do a low power character to gain a special character later when they join.
  • Random: You can chose to roll the special background(300), basic training(200) and the special power(25) instead of picking them and then get following:
    • Random power balance [-50]
    • +1 to HT, IQ, DX, ST[60]
    • Roll twice: [-10]
      1. -0.25 speed
      2. -0.25 speed
      3. -0.25 speed
      4. -1 per
      5. -1 will
      6. -1 FP -1 HP
  • Partial random: You can chose to roll the special background(300), basic training(200) and the special power(25) instead of picking them. For this option roll each table twice at each level of the table and select one and then get following:
    • Partial random power balance [-25]
    • +1 to HT or ST[10]
    • +1 to IQ or DX[20]
    • Roll once: [-5]
      1. -0.25 speed
      2. -0.25 speed
      3. -0.25 speed
      4. -1 per
      5. -1 will
      6. -1 FP -1 HP
  • Action hero: instead of special background and basic training(500 points) you can be Ultimate Action Hero(500)

Character planning

Things to think about when building the character, in approximate order.

The other factors are more minor and can be handled as the process goes along, but having the above ready though out before starting the build will likely make it easier.

Replacement characters

Characters created later get: the normal 800 points and higher of: 2/3 of the points over 800 that the player had or 1/2 the points over 800 that the highest party member has.

Use the extra points as follows:

  • Maximally 1/4 to attributes.
  • Maximally 1/4 to Basic skills/background.
  • Maximally 1/4 to raise any known skill by maximum 1 rank each.
  • Maximally 1/2 to get extra training/options. Try to adjust the points put here (1/4 to 1/2 total) to get a number that fits the given training exactly. For total points:
    • <50 resulting in: 1-24:buy one training package and reduce any skills in package by one rank each until low enough. Adjust points put to extra training/options to try to fit the 25 points exactly.
    • 50-150 resulting in: 25/50/75: Buy 1-3 extra 25 point extra training packages.
    • 151-350: resulting in: 76-175: Buy one training/experience package from special background and then 25 point training packages with rest.
    • 351-500: resulting in: 176-250: Buy one edge(150) and then 25 point training packages with rest. Note that any attribute raises in the edge count against the attribute points above.
    • 501-650: resulting in: 251-375: Buy one edge(150), one training/experience package from special background and then 25 point training packages with rest. Note that any attribute raises in the edge count against the attribute points above. Can have 2 special power levels.
    • 651+: resulting in 376+ points. Buy one edge(150)+two training/experience package from special background or one Important background(note that you can have only one important background total) and then 25 point training packages with rest. Note that any attribute raises in the edge/background count against the attribute points above. Can have 3 special power levels at +1500 points, then one more at each +1000 points.

If possible the character should be one of the “extras” around.


When selecting skills is is good to skim though the technology page to see what technology is in use.

All basic technology skills are at a base of TL 10 as that is the common TL. If you wish you can freely place any of your skills at a lower TL(8-9).

You can however buy single skills at TL 11 by buying advanced skill perks. (see Suggested background below). Note that this concentration on the newest things makes it harder to use older gear.

You can buy off the penalty as a separate average technique to each skill and TL or buy a second skill at different TL and use the one with highest effective skill. Such skills default to each other at the indicated penalty.

See: effects of skill TLs

Basic character package 200/350

Select one of the character training packages as base ranger package.

It is not normally a good idea to focus too much on one thing, so if you are going to be combat based special background you should select something else here.

Note that most rangers by far are investigators, but others exist.

For those on cross service tour to rangers:

  • Navy: For space ship crew select specialist with the Starship XXXX training package.
  • Army: For normal troops select the shooter or sniper package. For special forces select something else and take the special forces background as your special background. Make sure you have at least 4 points in battlesuit skill. if you were in infantry you should have more battle suit skill(The battlesuit trooper extra training is good for this). Also see below.
  • Survey: Either select spaceship crew as navy or specialist scientist.
  • Postal service: Not very common, though a postal investigator might make sense, such are similar to marshals below.
  • Marshals: Basically same as rangers, but more at home in civilized settings: Most are investigators.
  • Patrol: As navy above.
  • Science and Environment: A park ranger might well be on tour to rangers, a scientist or similar is very unlikely. But see below.
  • Safety: Not very likely, but again a safety investigator might be reasonable, but most of the personnel are more attorneys, bureaucrats, scientists…
  • Education and public information: again not very likely.
  • Weapon control: again not very likely.
  • Treasury: again not very likely.
  • Palace guard; again not very likely.

Ranger package 45

Advantages: Law enforcement powers(everywhere except Primary and secondary systems -20%)[8], Rank(courtesy) 1[1], Cultural familiarity(colonies)[1]

Skills: Law (Police) (H) IQ [4], Survival (any) (A)[4], Swimming (E)HT+1 [2];Hiking (A) HT [2]

Another 9 of:[2 each]Forced Entry, Beam weapons(Rifle, Pistol) Guns (Pistol, Rifle), or Liquid Projector (Sprayer), all (E) DX+1 [2]; Riding (Horse), Shortsword, or Tonfa, all (A) DX [2]; First Aid or Savoir-Faire (Police), both (E) IQ+1 [2]; Administration, Animal Handling (Dog), Criminology, Interrogation, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]; Accounting, Forensics, or Tactics, all (H) IQ-1 [2]; Observation or Search, both (A) Per IQ [2]; Soldier (A) IQ [2]. Artillery(any)[2] Gunner (any), Guns (any), Knife, or Parachuting, all (E) DX+1 [2]; NBC Suit, Power armor, Vac suit Spear, or Throwing, all (A) DX [2]; Camouflage, First Aid, Gesture, Savoir-Faire (Military), Spacer, Seamanship, or Submariner, all (E) IQ+1 [2]; Artillery (any), Forward Observer, Leadership, or Scuba, all IQ (A) [2]; Strategy or Tactics, both (H) IQ-1 [2]; Skiing (H) HT-1 [2]; Survival (any other) (A) Per [2];Vac suit[2] or Spray fire technique for some skill[2} or payload fire technique for some skill[2}

Other services: have had basic ranger training:[10]
Law (Police) (H) IQ [1], Survival (any) (A)[1], Swimming (E)HT+1 [1];Hiking (A) HT [1]. They should be minimum of rank 1[5], Cultural familiarity(colonies)[1]

As member of a specialist group of rangers all have security clearance[5]: You have access to a relatively narrow range of secrets on a “need to know” basis

Special background 300/150

Add character special background: one at 300 points

This specifies your background as either different race/special home world or previous experience or training.

Note that this is the single largest use of points so is very influential in how your character turns out.

Ranger bionic package 63

All rangers get basic bionic enchantment unless they have better previously.

Additional, training 125

Get 4 additional training packages of your choice.

  • One of the training packages can be replaced by style training if you wish and do not yet have a style.
  • One of the packages can be replaced with Extra life if you wish.
  • One of the packages can instead be used to buy 25 points of advantages from Suggested background or Basic skills/background if you wish. This is specially useful if you wish to buy all the suggested advantages and something else expensive.

Note that you can substitute similar skills (like beam weapons for guns, or different specializations of piloting and so on)

It is suggested that if you are based on a combat template you use these to broaden your skills to other areas and if you are based on some other area you pick up at least some combat skills.

If you do not have combat reflexes from elsewhere it is highly suggested to take the combat simulator training from here.

This is also a good place to pick up some space ship skills.

Non rangers/non army should select +1 package.

Special power 25

Select the special powers path you get and one of level 1 powers in Special powers.

Note that:

  • It would be useful to have a beguiler for living targets and either infiltrator or engineer for synthetics in the group
  • Psionics benefit greatly from the “combat psi” abilities
  • Most others should have something to enhance the combat style they want.

Home world 8/15

Select your home world or use the one specified by special background

Physical attributes

Note characters physical attributes

  • Name
  • Build: rangers tend to be one of the builds below:
    • Skinny[-5] rare
    • Skinny build[-1] you are the same mass for your ST as normal, but look up appropriate height at +4 ST. -1 to Disguise, Shadowing
    • Normal
    • Stocky build[-1] you are the same mass for your ST as normal, but look up appropriate height at -4 ST. 1 to Disguise, Shadowing
    • Overweight[-1] rare
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Age and service length
    • Normally you can be a full ranger earliest at about 22(enter service at 18, 2 year service academy and 2 year assistant position) and due to the ability rejuvenate there is no maximum age.
    • It normally takes at least 5 years each to reach additional ranks. If you have 20 year service background you are at least 38 years old.
    • If you want to randomly generate use: 16+2d for entry age, add 2 years service academy, 2d6 years additional service and +2d6-1/each extra rank over “ranger”, if you have more than 20 year service, buy the independent income in the suggested background section and if you are 15+ years service, you should buy the potential version.
  • Skin color/Eyes/Hair color/Hair style/other identifying marks.

Suggested background 0-60

Suggested background advantages

It it suggested that you buy the following:

  • Legal immunity ranger[4]
  • G-experience[10]
  • 1-10 Licenses[1 each] for the skills that you qualify in.
    • Note that:
      • Driving License is required if you want to operate vehicles in any non colony world(and some colony worlds). Note that in the core worlds most people use public transportation.
      • All rangers should be qualified for space ship operations. (Spacehsip crew/spacehsip engineer or pilot with the spaceship option)
      • Rangers tend to carry heavy weapons outside combat zones way often. This requires weapon License to carry LC2 weapons without the Legal immunity and LC1 weapons with it.
      • The captain if the ship does not need the ship captain License as the scout ships are small enough, but most have it as the service pays for the training and the exam.
      • If you have medical training the Doctor License is good to have.
  • Improved G-Tolerance 0.3G/0.5G[5/10]. These are definitely useful: improved g-tolerance/g-experience
  • If you do not have at least 10 points in wealth it usually makes sense to buy 10 to 20 points of wealth as you are supposed to be a respected member of a prestigious organization.

Advanced skills

You can buy up to 2 “Advanced skill” perks. Each upgrades the base TL of one skill to TL 11.

Each level of wealth(10/20/30/50/75/100) adds 1 to the maximum. Each level of better gear adds 1. If you would have 5 or more perks, you can instead be TL 11 for 5 points if you want.

It is suggested that you buy as many as possible and upgrade to base TL 11 when possible.

As the spaceship the group has is TL 11, it is a good idea that the primary operators at least buy the skill for their main spaceship skills(pilot, navigator, sensors, gunners, techs).

In game: Buying an “Advanced skill” perk into a new skill requires a lengthy retraining, normally about 200 hours(5 weeks full time study) of advanced training, or 400 hours of self training with just devices and manuals or 1600 work hours at the penalty for too low TL when working with such devices.

Potential and actual 20 year benefits

If you have served for 15-19 years of your current 20 year hitch, you should buy following potential advantages that you get when you get to 20 years.

  • Independent income 1-2(potential -50%)[1]: represents both the higher pay for 20 year men and the retirement money you would get.
  • Optional: Better gear(potential, -50%) [3]
  • Optional:Rank(potential -50%)[3]

If you have served 20 years without having that as your edge, buy independent income as non potential version and can buy the better gear if you wish.

  • Independent income 1-2[1-2]: represents both the higher pay for 20 year men and the retirement money you would get.
  • Optional:Better gear[5]

The level of the independent income depends on your rank and wealth. The 20 year benefit is 20% of the monthly pay, the 40 year benefit is 40%. Calculate the independent income based on the wealth level. Example a normal 20 year ranger would have a retirement/extra pay of 4050*0.2=810/month. With average wealth it would be independent income of 2 (1.6)

Basic skills/background 0-60

Get 34 points total-things used in the suggested background and eventual higher cost home world package. Some earlier options might give extra or fewer points here. You balance the points here. (Typically you have about 5-15 points to use here)

Use the remaining points on Basics/Background to give your background fill out any missing things.

Max 2 points/skill.


starrangers/character_creation.1495644899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/31 23:23 (external edit)